Part 5

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Liam PoV

I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. I knew it could be something simple like he needed help finding his dog, but my brain was thinking up all the worst possible scenarios it could, and let me tell you, it could come up with some pretty bad stuff.

I was most definitely not in control of myself as I rushed in my car and sped all the way to his house. It wasn't until I got there that I realized he might not even be there, but it was too late to go anywhere else, and I found myself knocking on the door. A very drunk looking man opened the door, holding an empty beer bottle, and sporting an inexpressibly angry scowl, "What do you want."

I realized I hadn't planned on what to say, but my adrenaline seemed to take over and, "Oh, the humanities class is having a lock in. We're all sleeping in the library at school, I agreed to take Spencer. He didn't tell you?" seemed to flow effortlessly from my mouth. It was oddly specific, which meant the man would likely not question wether I was lying.

The man turned, and I got a glimpse inside the house, where Spencer was curled up next to the couch, clutching his knees to his chest, staring at me with disbelief. He seemed to regain his senses and began to stand up, "S- sorry it must've slipped my mind. I'll go pack my b- bag." He practically dashed away, and I was left with the man who seemed less than pleased at the idea of letting Spencer go. He turned and headed back into the house, leaving the door wide open.

I couldn't help myself from looking inside. I could see into the kitchen, where glass had been shattered everywhere and littered the floor. Spencer returned a moment later, looking as frantic as he had when he left. He quickly shut the door behind him, saying nothing to he man inside. Once it was shut, he let out a shaky breath, and closed his eyes as he grabbed my sleeve and rested his head against my shoulder. His breathing eventually evened out, and he let go of my sleeve without saying anything. He was sniffing, and I could tell he was close to losing it.

I guided him by the elbow to my car, and we got in. Before I pulled out I turned to him, "Did he hurt you?"

He shook his head, a movement so small it didn't even move a hair on his head. His eyes landed on my hand resting on the wheel, and stayed there for a while. He hesitantly reached out and grabbed my thumb, pulling it towards him, his fingers barely peeking out of his jacket sleeve. "S- sorry. I just need to touch you." He looked out the window and said nothing more, as if that was all the explanation I needed. I wasn't complaining, except for the fact that every spot on my hand he touched went numb with tingles. He was moving my fingers, bending them at every joint, as if reassuring himself I was actually here.

I finally started the car, and started driving. I didn't really know where I was going, I just knew I had to get him away from that house. I wasn't very good at driving with one hand, but it was past midnight, the roads were clear, and I wasn't about to pull my other one away. Eventually he stopped noodling with it, and I chanced a glance at him, only to find he'd fallen asleep. My hand was still in his lap, his fingers lazily laced through mine randomly.

Eventually, I accidentally wound up at an elementary school park on the east side of town. Spencer was still asleep, so I wiggled my fingers, hoping to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open, and he glanced at me, before turning to our hands with slightly parted lips.

"Oh, sorry." He pulled his hand away.

His eyes travelled through the window and his brows furrowed, "Where are we?"

"I don't know, I just drove. But since we're here..." I got out and he followed my lead, before heading over to the swing set. He gently sat on one, rocking lightly back and forth while staring at the ground. As I took a seat in the one next to him I decided to at least address the elephant, "You want to talk about it?" I knew he'd say no, he'd barely even spoken the whole time.

And he didn't. He shook his head and took a deep breath, "This may sound weird but, I just need you to talk. About anything."

I chuckled, "I'm not very good at that but I'll try."

"L- like... what's the grossest thing you've ever seen?"

I laughed, knowing exactly what the answer was, "Well my mom's a first grade teacher, and once she had a kid come to school complaining that his shoe wasn't fitting right, and so he took it off and there was a dead mouse in it."

A look of horror overtook his face, "How do you not notice a whole mouse in your shoe?"

"The question of the hour."

He thought for minute, and the asked another question, "What about the scariest thing?"

I shrugged, "Well, one time at my old house when I lived near a creek, I got out of the shower and there was a yellow bellied water snake under my bed."

He frowned, "I don't think I ever would've slept in that house again." I laughed and he continued, "Worst fear?"

"We talking like deep rooted irrational fear?"

"W- well I was thinking like spiders..."

"Oh, then attic stairs, don't ask why." He laughed aloud, "Speaking of attics, one time my mom accidentally left my sister in the attic and locked her up there. It was like an hour before we noticed her banging on the floor." He laughed even harder and I smiled.

Seeing him happy reminded me, and I lit up, "Oh yeah, I have a surprise for you." He calmed his laughing as best he could to let me continue. "I don't know if you knew I work at the aquarium, but they're having a door closed day next Saturday, only for employees and their plus one. So, if you want I can give you the exclusive one-on-one tour."

His eyes went wide and became filled with disbelief, "R- really? You would do that?"

"Of course."

He smiled sheepishly, "Then I would love to."


Poor Spencer ; if you want context, John just got drunk and was throwing plates and things at Spencer, but Spencer is Quick and Nimble so he didn't get hit, but he was really scared

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