Chapter 28

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I would read this chapter with WiFi or data.

He broke down her walls without her even noticing. And when he rebuilt the walls he added windows to let the sunshine in.

The three day heat were the most miserable days I've ever experienced. I shall never again complain about a bloody period. The saddest part is that nobody noticed I had disappeared for three days.

My aunt was passed out on the couch when I walked in and my sister was bleaching her roots yet again and just gave me a blank stair as I passed by her room. I just shrugged both of them off and collapsed in my bed. The heat left me mentally and physically tired.

I was unable to go to sleep though, my mind kept on racing. Has Kyle known Oliver is my Mate the whole time? Is Oliver telling the truth when he said he's just friends with my sister? Do we have grapes? I sighed and got back up going to the kitchen.

My sister sat on a stool with bag over her head, and school books sprawled about the island. She paid no mind to me as I set my phone on the counter and opened the fridge.

Grapes? Strawberries? Bananas? Smoothie? I smiled to myself. I deserve a strawberry banana smoothie with a side of grapes. Pulling out the blender and fruit I first washed them then sliced them. In the middle of slicing the strawberries Vanessa picked up Her phone and began talking to a person on the other end.

I didn't intend on ease dropping until I heard Oliver's name.

"Ness how can you still like him even after what he did?" The girl on the other side had a high pitched voice that gave me a headache, but what does she mean 'after what he did'?

"It wasn't his fault," Vanessa stopped talking, looked to me, and got up and left the room. I threw everything in the blender and started it up. What's that about?

I finished making my smoothie when Aunt Dorothy came in the kitchen. I sat on the island, and she walked in with a yawn, "Zaria, when did you get back?" She stretched then leaned up against the kitchen island.

"Like an hour ago?" I shrugged. She looked at me with sleep eyes.

"I know you probably need your space, but just text me when your going to disappear for a few days, ok hun?" I nodded my head and took a sip of my smoothies, "oh also, family dinner tonight starting at six. Bethany of course is invited and whoever else you would like to invite."

I hated when they sprung family dinners on me. It was always Vanessa's guest- who bonded with Aunt Dorothy quite easily- then me. I was always the odd ball out, "Aunty make three spots. For Bethany, and pulse I'm going to invite and extra guest," my mouth spoke for me. Extra guest? Who in the heck am I going to invite?

"Ok hun. I can't wait to meet your special guest!" She clapped her hands. I curtly nodded grabbed my drink and went up stairs.

I dialed out Bethany's number, "Hello?" She yawned.

"It's one in the afternoon are you asleep?"

"No," she yawned again.

"Mhm ok, but tonight we're having a family dinner," my phone buzzed up against my ear. I ignored it.

"Oh fun, we haven't had one of those In a while. What's Aunty d cooking?" I shook my head.

"Not important. I told her I'd invite an extra guest and I don't know who to invite," I could hear her moving around on the other side of the phone.

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now