Chapter 22

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Sometimes what your looking for, comes when your not looking at all.

Upstairs I threw on the first thing I saw. Which was a pair of Ripped mom jeans, one of Bethany's grey over sized sweatshirts she must've left, and my white nike airs. I stuffed some money in a small purse, along with my charger and phone, then ran back down stairs.

"That's the fastest a girls ever changed."

I laughed, "I'm not an ordinary girl," I stood at the top of the stairs held up a peace sign and stuck out my tongue.

"I see," he chuckled. I hurriedly made my way down the stairs tripping over the last one. Lucky me he caught me, "Your clumsier than most girls."

I gasped, "I can't even defend myself. I'm the clumsiest person you'll meet," I laughed.

"So, is it ok if we take my car? Carpooling saves the environment."

I smiled, "Not by much but at least you tired, so sure," we walked out the door I lock it behind me. The rain seemed to subside and now it was just misting, "wow is your car new?" I looked at the cherry red baby in front of me.

"No, I just keep her clean," he hopped inside the Doge Charger. I followed after getting into the passengers seat.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as he backed up out of the driveway.

"You choose."

I pouted out my bottom lip, "Hummm, lunch or coffee," I put my pointer finger on my chin pretending to think.

"Hopefully she chooses lunch," he closed his eyes and crossed his fingers letting go of the steering wheel.

"Don't let go of the steering wheel!"

He chuckles at me, "We won't crash, trust me," I looked at him and he looked at me. He then began to jerk the wheel left and right. I bursted out laughing at his reckless driving.

"Lunch. I choose lunch. It'll keep me out of danger for a while."

He mimicked a hurt expression letting go of the wheel again, "You have so little faith in me!"

" I barley know you."

"Let's change that then," he smirked grabbing the wheel and speeding up, "do you like Japanese? This great place Kimono just opened up."

I nodded my head, "I love Japanese!"

He smiled, "Great me to," It took us fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant. The drive was the most fun I've had in a while.

Kyle got out the car first opening the door for me. I thanked him quietly. We made our way inside that's when it hit me. The smell. I loved it so much, but at the same time I hated it.

I stood behind Kyle, "beta kyle! What a surprise I didn't think I'd be seeing you in here anytime soon!" The hostess whisper yelled at Kyle.

"Good to see you as always Mai, I just wanted to stop in with my new friend. She's never been here before," Kyle spoke with a shrug. I step out from behind Kyle cautiously.

"Oh I see," an accent was semi present. I waved at her smiling. She smiled back, "well follow me."

We followed her down the the tables to a booth in the back. I looked around as we did so, praying I wouldn't see him.

"What are you going to get? I recommend anything with the fried rice," I came out of my thoughts. As Kyle spoke to me.

"Umm," I spoke picking up the menus, "I think I'll get a double order of fried rice and noodles, along with Teriyaki chicken and shrimp," I put down the menus and looked up to see him smiling at me.

"A girl who eats I like you more and more."

I rolled my eyes smiling, "Hello, I'm Mandy and I'll be your server today what can I get y'all to start off with?" Our attention turned to the server. She reeked of human.

"I'll have a sprite," Kyle was first to speak.

"Coke please," she nodded then scurried off to get our drinks, "What are you getting?" I questioned fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm going to-" before he could finish telling me the waitress came back with our drinks.

"Would y'all like another minute or can I take your orders now?" Kyle and I looked at each other.

"You can take our orders now," Kyle said," I'll have the double order of fried rice along with veggies also a double order, along with sesame seed chicken and a side order of shrimp."

"Double order of the chicken and shrimp also?" The waitress asked writing down the order.

"Yes ma'am. Oh and four egg rolls," I chuckled under my breathe. Werewolf's appetite were big alright.

After I told her my order she left. In the span of five minutes we somehow ended up spitting ice at each other through our straws. I giggled as a piece landed on his forehead. He whipped it off and grabbed another piece of ice from his cup.

"No your going to get us kicked out!" I gasped as I realize the war wasn't over. He smirked and brought the straw up to his lips.

I attempted to duck under the table. My attempt was in vein I ended up slipping out of my chair to the sticky tiled ground. Kyle then bent under the table took his aim and shot me in the neck.

I bursted out laughing as did he. Just as I was about to take my seat back on the chair two pairs of feet walked up to the table. A pair of heels and timberlands. I cursed under my breathe. Of course he would be with her.

"Kyle, I didn't expect to see you here. Or anywhere any time soon," I could hear Oliver's voice boom over head. I stayed in my position under the table.

"Well you know a wolfs gotta eat," he chuckled.

"Are you getting lunch with someone?" my sister questioned.

"Um yah," Kyle slipped me a fork under the table I got what he was getting at. I took the fork and popped back up.


I smile curtly waving at my sister.

"You know Zaria?" Kyle questioned.

"She's my sister," Vanessa replied. Realization hit Kyle and he didn't say another word. Awkward tension filled the air.

Luckily we received our food, "well we already ate so we should be leaving,"Vanessa took Oliver's arm and they walked off without another word.

The human side of me wasn't fazed-she expected nothing less; but the werewolf side of me is heart broken.

Soooo team Kyle or team Oliver? Ship names?

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now