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"Hey," Lana says to me once second period ends as we both head for the hallway

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"Hey," Lana says to me once second period ends as we both head for the hallway. "You should sit with me at lunch. I'll save you a seat."

Lana has been so incredibly nice to me today, there's no way I can turn down her offer. And whether she knows it or not, Lana practically just saved me from having to either sit alone or eat in my dad's office. Lunch is a new kid's worst nightmare. Thankfully, I've been saved by the angel on earth that is Lana Wright.

"Thank you." I smile at Lana gratefully, feeling very appreciative that I met her. "I'll be right there. I just need to stop by my locker, okay?"

Lana nods in agreement, heading into the cafeteria with one last smile shot in my direction. I turn on my heel once she's gone and head to my locker, going to get my lunch. (I've been to enough schools by now to know that the food doesn't get any better no matter where you go.)

I shut my locker and proceed to head toward the cafeteria. I'm halfway there when I hear a loud burst of laughter to my left, followed by even louder voices. Before I register what's going on, I'm blindsided. I slam right into something hard, staggering backwards as I lose my footing due to the impact. Before I fall I manage to catch my balance, looking up to see what I ran into.

A boy with golden brown hair and light green eyes stands before me, appearing just as shocked as I am right now. He's looking down at me with a confused/annoyed expression, which is the exact emotion I'm feeling.

"Watch where you're going," I hiss after a moment, shoving past the boy and his friends before they get the chance to say a word to me in return. I'm not in the mood to be questioned and/or made fun of, so I just walk away.

After all, it's what I always do. Running away when things get bad runs through the Scott family veins.

Just ask my mom.

• • •

As soon as I walk through the cafeteria doors, I run into Lana. She's watching me with wide eyes, appearing to be rather shocked.

"What?" I ask self-consciously, wondering if there's toilet paper on my shoe or something embarrassing like that. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, considering the kind of luck I have.

"I was just going to find you," Lana informs me, rushing to add, "and I just saw that whole thing." She gestures to the section of the hallway I stood in moments before, almost getting run down by the boy with golden brown hair.

"Oh?" I question, following after Lana as she leads me to her lunch table.

"Do you know who that was?" Lana asks in a way that tells me I should know who the boy I ran into was. Either way, I have no idea who he is, so I'm not going to lie about it.

"No clue," I admit, shrugging. "He needs to start watching where he's going, though."

"That was Jack Crawford." Lana practically whispers the words. She's acting like he's some sort of famous person, not a high school boy.

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