Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Alpha Trevor Wells

He stared at the white ceiling, trying to blink away the blurriness that came with staring for too long. But, it was only when a knock came on the door that he realised the blurring came from unshed tears. He sat up, running a hand down his face and finally managed to blink away the blurriness.

"Yeah" he called out, clearing his throat when he realised how uneven it was.

The door to his office opened and his son, Joseph, walked in. He paused, eyes surveying the room before seeing his father sat on the edge of the couch. Alpha Trevor Wells looked a mess.

"Joey" he coughed, standing up and walking over to the desk.

"You alright?" Joey asked coyly. He didn't have a close relationship with his father – which he blamed entirely on his father – but even he could see his father was upset about something.

"Fine. I have some work for you to do. I am arranging a trip to the Black Bloods Pack" Trevor said, as he scooped up some files from his desk.

"Black Bloods?" Joey pulled a face, "but you hate Seth Zev".

Trevor continues talking as if his son hadn't spoken. "I'm planning to leave in the morning. Frank will be in charge while I am away and--"

"Frank?" Joey growled, "but I'm the heir. I'm seventeen now and I can--"

"And you can answer to Frank" Trevor cut his son off, giving him a dark look.

Joey scowled at him, "I'm going to be Alpha one day and you never given me any damn responsibility. How the hell do you expect me to take over the pack in two months if you won't even let me run it while your away?"

"I never said you were taking over the pack in two months" Trevor deadpanned.

"But I'll be eighteen! Every heir takes over the pack when they are eighteen".

"I have yet to name you my heir, Joseph, so do be careful how you speak to your Alpha" he growled at him.

"But I am your only child, your only son and I--"

"Enough, Joseph" Trevor boomed, "just do the work I have assigned you". He dumped the files in his son's arm. "Now get the hell out of my office!"

Joey's dark eyes narrowed with hate. "You will regret this" he snapped, before twisting on his heel and storming out the room. The office door slammed behind him. Trevor looked at the wooden door where his son had left and prayed – prayed that the mysterious daughter of his mate would be a better match to Alpha-hood than that brat.

Trevor had met Catherine North when he was only sixteen. She was new in his school, after moving in with her Aunt and Uncle after the death of her parents. He'd known instantly she was his mate when she walked into his Math class – taking a seat behind him. He didn't speak to her the entire lesson, just listened to her sultry British accent and inhaled her sweet scent.

When he finally shown Cathy the Werewolf part of his soul, after almost eight months of dating, she'd flipped out. She'd called him a freak and a savage. She cut all contact from him and disappeared – never to be seen again. His mate, his own true partner, had rejected him.

And, now, almost twenty-two years later – he'd been informed that he potentially had a daughter. A daughter of his human mate. One who had inherited the Werewolf gene but didn't have the strength of the Pack behind her.

After the rejection of his mate, he'd secured his Alpha hood by having a son with another woman – not a wife or girlfriend, there had been none of those since Catherine, but an acquaintance who liked the idea of having a son who would be of Alpha blood.

That had been Trevor's first mistake – picking a mother who spoiled their son so badly he'd grown up entitled and nasty. She'd filled her son's head full of ideas, backing them all up with dreams of being Alpha without any of the work.

Trevor tried to train Joey, but the young boy simply didn't care enough. He just assumed that he'd take over the Pack and everyone would just do as he said because he was the Alpha. And, no matter how many times Trevor tried to tell him that there was a lot more to being an Alpha than simply 'telling people what to do', Joey just didn't care.

Another knock came on the office, and Trevor called out again. This time it was his Beta, Frank, who came in. "Hey, Joey's running his mouth down the hall again. I'm guessing he found out he has to answer to me while you're away" he sighed, shutting the door behind him.

"Yep, sure as hell wasn't happy about it" he sighed. "Listen, if he's a little shit while I'm away I give you permission to lock his ass up in the containment cells".

"Debra isn't going to like me locking away her precious boy" Frank shook his head, sitting down opposite his Alpha.

"His mother is just as entitled as the kid himself. Siring a child with that bitch was the worst decision I ever made".

"Trevor, that is still your son" the Beta said softly, giving him a look of disapproval.

"I know, I know" he groaned. "But, it's hard to love a boy like that – whether he's blood or not".

Frank was quiet for a few minutes before speaking carefully. "Whether this girl is your daughter or not, Joey is still your son. The council rules state that only a boy can be appointed Alpha".

"And you want Joey as your Alpha, do you?" Trevor growled out.

Frank briefly paused, "that is not my decision to make, I just help and follow whoever will be the new Alpha".

"I tried to father another child" he admitted, turning in his chair to look out the window. Frank silently waited for his Alpha to continue. "A few years back, I thought I could have another kid. I'm only just forty, I could still have another son. But, I just couldn't do it. I had all these girls saying they'd mother children, but they..."

"They just weren't Catherine North" Frank finished for him.

"Yeah, they just weren't Catherine North. I loved her, more than I thought it possible to love anyone. And to know that we actually have a daughter, one who is a Werewolf and is only a few hours away..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Tabitha could be just the piece I need".

"She's not Catherine, Trevor" Frank said softly, "she's not going to fill the hole that your mate left when she disappeared all those years ago".

"No" Trevor said slowly, "but she's still my daughter and she might just help".

The following morning, Trevor packed up a small bag before driving out his territory and towards the Black Bloods Pack. He was keeping his visit quiet, he didn't want Joey to find out about Tabitha just yet. He had no idea what he was going to do about Joey or naming his heir, but for this weekend at least, nothing but Tabitha North mattered.

TabithaNorth wasn't the answer to all his problems, but maybe she could answer some. 

A/N -  a short chapter, just setting the back story of Alpha Wells before he meets Tabby and the twins in the next chapters

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