Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


He was so beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. Perfectly smooth black skin, piercing brown eyes and angled sharp jaw. I had spent my life in the company of male models and actors, but none of them held a candle to the man in front of me.

He was speaking to me, words that I didn't understand, but I just stared at him. I mumbled a few words out in reply to some things he was saying – noticing that he kept calling me mate. I couldn't even digest his words. His beauty was too distracting.

"Are you alright, Tabby?" he asked me – the 'Commander' whose name I did not know yet. Devon and Ramone, that was what the other Wolf had called the Commanders, but I was unaware of which I had in front of me.

"I-I-I". I clamped my mouth shut, molars grinding, as I took a deep breath. From the moment I could talk, I had a stammer. I'd worked with a speech therapist as a kid and by the age of twelve I had gotten it under control – just in time for the modelling interviews my mum used to always say. But, whenever I was nervous that stammer came flying back.

I took a long calming breath, before speaking again. "I'm a bit confused as to what is happening" I said slowly.

"You don't understand which part, Tabby Cat?"

"All of it" I whispered, looking up into his bright eyes and gulping. "I-I didn't grow up with Wolves, I was raised by humans. I don't really know one ever taught me what it was to be a Werewolf".

"Oh" he blinked, mouth falling open in shock. There was a long moment as he worked through that information. "Oh" he said again, slower and more understanding. He then offered me a smile, white teeth shining, before he put his arm around my shoulders. Electricity shot across my skin at the touch and I shivered for a moment. His touch felt good, more than good.

"Come. Sit. Let me explain" he said, leading me over the couch on the other side of the room. I perched on the edge as he sat next to me.

"You haven't told me your name yet" I said, as he smiled at me – making my heart skip a beat.

"Devon" he introduced himself. Taking my hand, he pressed a kiss to the back of it. I blushed like a giddy school girl as he smiled up at him. "Both my twin brother – Ramone – and I are the Commander of this Pack. This is the Red Knox Pack".

"Is that the same as an Alpha?"

"No, we have an Alpha, who runs two Packs in the country. When he is not here we are in charge but he is the ultimate leader" Devon explained to me. "Seth and his mate, Mabel, will always out rank us, but when they are with their other Pack, no one can outrank us".

"So, in...lovers?"

"Yes, sort of. I'm sure you know that Wolves mate for life. It is the same for Werewolves, but we don't choose our mates" he began. "When we see our mate we identify them instantly. So, for example, despite their age difference when Seth first laid eyes on May he knew that she was his mate".

"So, basically, a soul mate".

"Exactly that" Devon nodded, giving me a small smile as his hand rested on my knee and gave it a squeeze. Shivers racked my body but I pretended to be unaffected because otherwise it was just embarrassing. "After mates meet they don't have desire for anyone else".

"So there is no cheating or anything between mates?" I blinked in shock. After being witness of my step-father flaunting numerous other women in front of my mother, I didn't have much in the way of romantic role models of marriage in my life.

Commander (A Luna Chronicles Novel) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now