Chapter 55.

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The city was once again, busy. The streets were filled with vendors, visitors and residents coming and going as they bartered and bought, as if the war outside of Naboo just simply did not exist.

It was an odd idea to Rey, to think that she too was once a mindless busy-body back on Jakku, doing what she must to survive to the next day.

She supposed, she couldn't truly blame them.

As she glanced around, she briefly took note that not a single one of them met her eyes now, each person always keeping their eyes down to the ground or trapped in a gaze with someone else, blabbering on.

Rey's eyes drifted down to the emblems they all sported, the symbol that represented their loyalty and dedication to Naboo, or so she believed.

Glancing up at Kylo, she wondered if he noticed the same.

Things seemed to have quieted between them since they left the suite to find a nearby training area, and Rey thought it could be because of the note he found.

'In Leia we trust.' it had said.

Biting her lip as she glanced away from his stern features, she could only assume that it was. Maybe it was simply seeing his mother's name that set him off?

Sighing, she just wasn't sure.

"Why are you upset?" she blurted out, her voice struggling to find its place in the chaos of the city while trying to remain quiet.

From the corner of her eye, she saw his jaw tense for the quickest moment.

"I'm not upset." Kylo's deep voice answered, his eyes on the ground as they walked through a crowd of people.

"Is it your dream? Or the note?" Rey urged.

Kylo scoffed, his eyes rolling as he straightened his back. They turned the corner, following down a quiet pathway that led to a stone staircase, the loud city slowly falling away behind them.

"No, Rey." he muttered.

Rey reared around to stand in front of him, her small frame halting him from taking another step.

He contemplated tossing her over his shoulder just to be done with the conversation and move along to training.

"You're lying." she sneered with narrowed eyes, a sharp finger pointing to his chest.

Kylo's eyes squinted at her in response, glancing to her hand before capturing her wrist, walking her backwards.

"Drop it." he ordered, before turning her around to face the training grounds below them, her growl fading.

It was a decent sized area, and empty, thankfully. There were dummies made of straw and leather, tattered from previous hits, a few wooden staffs lay scattered around the dirt and just beyond them stood ten training droids, random wires sticking out of them.

Her lips curled into a small smile as her gaze drifted back to the staffs.

"We won't be using those." Kylo said, already reading her excitement. His long legs began to walk down the stairs, Rey closely following and watching as he removed his cape, draping it over the stone railing as his hand gripped the hilt of his lightsaber

Rey instinctively stilled, her hand already on hers in return.

It only took her a second to recognize his attack in the way he abruptly turned, the way his arms seemed to control the rest of his movement, his eyes darting and focusing around Rey as she aimed to block him.

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