Chapter 53.

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Black... Nothing but black...

Was she sleeping?... No... No, this wasn't sleep...

She tried to wake herself, her own groggy, lazy voice screamed at her mind to wake up...But her head was throbbing, and her cheek burned...

What had happened? Rey asked herself over and over as her muscles began to warm again, her eyelids slowly drifting open, blinking the burn away as the lights above her brightened her vision.

Inhaling sharply, she sat up straight from the medical bed she had been placed on, her neck sore from the spot the needle pressed into.

The needle...

Her hand flew up to rest at the spot as she remembered the events that led her here. How long had she been out?

She couldn't tell since there were no windows...

As she looked around the room, her anger rising, she realized then how small the room actually was, her reflection staring back at her from the mirrored walls all around her, unsure where the door even was.

"You're safe here." a silky voice said to her.

Rey's head whipped to the side, just now realizing Caleo sat there in a chair, studying her. His eyebrows shot up, his hands in the air as a slow smile crept onto his lips.

"Truly, I come in peace." He chuckled, though Rey was not amused in the slightest. She moved to the edge of the bed, wanting so badly to get up and move, but she still felt groggy and out of sorts.

So instead, she sat there and glared at him with a throbbing headache.

"If that were true, you wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to get me here." Rey seethed, her small hand held to her temple.

"My apologies my lady, I just wanted to talk." Caleo cooed as he settled back into his chair, his leg resting atop the other.

"Not sure how it is on Naboo, but on Jakku, when someone wanted to talk, they just simply said so. They didn't take the cowards way out by drugging and kidnapping a person." Rey bit, her tone of voice just as harsh as the cold look she was giving him.

Caleo snickered, watching her in silence.

After a moment, her anger rising, she demanded answers. "What happened? And where is Be-... Where is Kylo?"

He shook his head at her, hushing her before she could finish her questions. "It's just a little dose of truth serum. You are safe as long as you don't act out, and so is he... How odd it is to see someone with such... concern... over the Supreme Leader of the First Order..." His gaze drifted away to the ground before shooting back to her face to catch her reaction.

Rey's furrowed brows relaxed before he could spot any detection of her worries for Kylo.

Moving to stand, Rey again glanced around to find the door, still no luck.

Her irritation was vastly growing, and Rey was unable to determine if it was because of Caleo or Kylo.

Caleo chuckled once more, scratching at his beard aimlessly. "I assure you, you are safe-"

Rey cut him off, a hard scowl aimed directly at him. "What is it you want?"

At this, he grinned, his eyebrow cocking high. He was warned of her temper, and she was in no way letting him down.

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