Chapter 22

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Marcus' P.O.V
"You did what?" I heard Jessica scream when I mentioned that I left Jordan by the road.
"You are such an Ass." Came in Stacey's next comment. 
"You are not supposed to talk to the Alpha like that." Of course my beta Jason was there to save my back.
"That is my brother you moron. If you come between us you will find yourself on the sofa tonight."
And that shut him up. Stacey was his chosen mate after all.

"She tricked me ok." I replied in my defence.
"She is your mate." I heard Arnold saying that.
"You never leave your mate like that brother." Jessica voice was filled with loathe.

It was 11 pm and since the time I left Jordan on the road till now I was at a local bar. I thought Jordan might be home by now and we could discuss. But when I entered I was bombarded with questions. I gave them all their answers and when they got to know the truth they gave me judgemental looks. Did she leave me? Of course she did! That selfish woman.

Vanessa had the perfect timing to walk into the room and out of spite I decided to inflict pain on our mate. I had become a sadist after I became an Alpha at a young age and being without a mate for 12 years drives you crazy  and maybe that's why I decided to play reverse psychology on my own mate.
"I have decided to reject my mate and choose Vanessa as the Luna."
Everyone stood still, they looked at me with utter shock except Stacey. She held loathe in her eyes. And immediately I felt ashamed of myself.  Vanessa was happy and walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around me.
"I knew it. I knew it you loved me." She whispered softly in my ears.

"I always envied Jessica because she had her mate till I chose Jason and he chose me. But whenever I looked at you, I thought maybe you would stop being like father once you found your mate. I saw you suffering for 12 years brother and each day I prayed for you. But today I feel pity for you. You are so doomed. I feel ashamed to call you my brother, I feel ashamed that a pack is led by a man like you. I would prefer to go rogue than to serve this pack. But I have duties. I need to be there for Jordan."
Stacey's speech hit my hard. She always hated father. She blamed him for the death of her mate. In so many years I had never seen her disappointed with me. But today I felt that in her eyes. She walked out of the front door with Jessica, Jason and Arnold following her.

In my mind Jordan's shocked face appeared in front of me but I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt Vanessa kiss me. If Jordan wanted the pain of heat then let me give her the pain when someone cheats. I dragged Vanessa behind me to my room.
And I gave her all what was needed to inflict pain on Jordan. I had sex with Vanessa.

I was lying on my bed after some action with Vanessa when I heard commotion outside the house. I wore my boxers and leapt out. Was Jordan alright? Did they find her? These thoughts rushed through my mind. I started feeling guilty already.
I found Vanessa rush behind me downstairs towards the door.
And there she laid on the ground wrapped in a blanket.
Weak and in pain. My heart clenched at that sight. Though I was relieved that she was home and didn't leave me. She looked at me with hope but her eyes moved to the person besides me and my heart ached to see that face. She looked confused as she drifted to a great slumber.

The next three days was hard. After Jordan went to sleep I threw Vanessa out of room. She tried to be clingy but I would ignore her most of the times. None of my friends or my sisters were talking to me. Jason stood besides me because he was the beta.
I was busy working when Arnold stepped into my room.
"She is awake."
I nodded curtly. She was finally awake. When she went in the deep slumber I had rushed towards her. I had immediately realised my mistake but Stacey had warned me stay away from her or else she would runaway with Jordan. In the night I would visit her when both Jess and Stacey would be fast asleep. They wouldn't leave her side but I was in continuous touch with the pack doctor. He told me that due to the immense pain her body was tired but she would be awake in 3-4 days.
So when I heard Arnold tell me that she was awake I was happy. I wanted to rush immediately and apologise to her.

I left all my work and walked towards Jordan's room. I knocked on the door and Stacey opened it.
"She just woke up. Please don't stress her."
"I am not here to stress her. I just want to see her."
"Too bad she is in the shower."
And with that she closed the door on my face.
Maybe I deserved that. I hurt Jordan too bad. I decided to come back after some time. I hadn't slept for 3 days straight because I was worried about Jordan. But of course no one would believe me.
First I thought of meeting mom but then I decided to rest. I was tired.

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