Chapter 9

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Jordan's P.O.V

Once we were back. I went to the room Jess guided me to. She said I would love the view from the room that would be mine for a few days till Luke doesn't recover.

My mouth was open in awe as she led me in. The room was huge but what attracted me the most was the balcony near the bed. I rushed towards it. The view was breathtaking. It was green everywhere.
I could see the forest as far as my eyes could reach. And the balcony overlooked the backyard where few of the people from the estates were working out.

"It's beautiful" that's all I could manage to say.
Jess was smiling
"I knew you would like it."
"So where is Luke?" I hadn't seen since I returned I thought he would be here resting.
"Oh he is the hospital wing. For a quick recovery."
"The wound ain't that serious Jess. It's just few broken bones. He could be here."
She laughed nervously.
"Yes I know that Jordy, but the doctor insisted him on staying over the night. What if he has pain at night and all."
That was so weird.
"A doctor speaking nonsense." I said firmly. I was so annoyed.
"Listen Jordy. It's just that I want to spend some time with you. We hardly do sleepovers anymore since Arnold got a promotion and you keep travelling with Luke. I just thought maybe we could utilise this break."
I was angry. But I knew my best friend needed the time with me. Not forgetting the fact that she was there for me for my miscarriages and also when I wasn't conceiving.
I hugged her and she was surprised yet hugged me back.
"But I need to meet him you know. He is my husband." I laughed.
" yes of course, I'll take you there and then we will have lunch together and maybe later give you a proper tour."
She spoke as we walked towards the hospital wing.
Speaking of hospital wing, who has that one in a house?
"You might think why we have a hospital wing here."
She asked and I almost thought she read my mind which wouldn't be weird at all. Note the sarcasm. I listened as she continued.
"We have a wing here because we are a small town and there are not many people living here in the estate. Around 500 or so."
My eyes widened.
"That's a lot Jess."
"No for people like us it's a small number and to take care of urgencies like what happened to Luke we have a small hospital unit here, which comes in aid for emergencies."
"And what about hospitals?"
" the town is small as you saw. The population is around 800 here. We do have a hospital in the town for the tourists and other people. But most prefer the pa.. the doctor in our house. He is a learned man."
She completed.
I nodded and we walked through the long corridors until we came at a T point. To the right was the Hospital Wing as Jess said and to the left was a library which I wanted to check later after meeting my husband.
Jessica told me some childhood stories as we walked. As we reached the room where Luke was kept I saw Jess frown I raised my eye brow at her she just shook her head and opened the door to walk in.

To my surprise I saw Mark standing there staring at Luke. His hair were wet, it seemed that he just had a shower. He turned around and his eyes met mine. I couldn't help but I knew my cheeks had gone red. I looked at Luke who sat with his broken leg stretched.

"Hey" I said to him.  He looked annoyed but somehow he forced a smile.
"Hi, come here." He said patting the bed area next to him. I sat close to him.
"Does it hurt."
"No, but the distance hurts more." He replied cockily and I rolled my eyes.
I heard Mark leave but Jess took a chair and made herself comfortable. I suddenly felt that Jess had become clingy. Ignoring that thought I looked back at Luke.
"Had dinner?" I asked as it was nearly 7.
"Yes they brought it here for me. Did you eat anything?"
I shook my head. "No, but I had an ice cream. Mint chocolate my favorite."
"So you found a store here ?"
"Yes Mark took me while we were returning from the home stay. And guess what he too loves Mint Chocolate. I finally found someone who does." I grinned. But I felt Luke shift, he looked irritated.
"Jordan, I am sleepy. I think I just rest. Ok?"
"Yea Lucas. Goodnight." I said firmly. He never takes my full name ever. I got up and walked to the door as I saw him huff. But I left Jess following me.
I didn't know what was wrong with him. And what was wrong with me. I was attracted to another man for god sake it makes me a terrible wife.

"Dinner will be ready in another 20mins, you want to see the library?" Jess' words broke my line of thought.
"Yes, you know I love books."

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