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Thanks everyone for reading Scholar! I hope it was worth the read.

If you have questions, comment them here and I'll do my best to answer them!

I bet I can guess one of your questions...

W h y  d i d  y o u  k i l l  t h e m  y o u  b i t c h ?

Okay, here's why:

To make a point!

At first, Alex only wanted to go to Stanford. He always prioritized his mom and sister before himself. He never let them see him sweat, and he would do anything for them. He was their rock when his dad died and never properly mourned him because he was so busy making sure his mom and sister were okay.

By the end, Alex give up all of that for Ryan. He chose to let his family and scholarship go because Ryan brought him happiness and made him feel the best he ever had. Ryan gave him a chance to start opening up and talking about his dad. It was a lot for Alex, but it was good for him.

So, that's why. It makes a point about happiness and love. I mean, if you finally found someone who helps you be the best possible version of yourself after you went through all that struggle just to get them, would you let them go so easily?

Idk, life's wild my dudes.

Hope you enjoyed and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh comment questions if you have any

Cool beans bye love u

ScholarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora