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I slowly regained my consciousness but didn't open my eyes. I was kind of uncomfortable, honestly, but really warm, so I didn't move. I slowly forced my eyes open and sat up, a blanket that I don't remember putting over myself had fallen off my shoulder.

I looked down and was taken aback at the sight of Ryan, out like a light on my couch. I shook my head and placed my hand on my head. Was he really there? I gently touched his arm. Yeah, I actually slept on a couch with Ryan, the kid I hated not too long ago. I took a moment to shamelessly stare at him.

His normally straight, neat, and combed hair was a mess, some strands falling over his face and some going over his arm that supported his head. His full lips were parted slightly, and his eyes were firmly shut. I looked away and scrambled off the couch.

"Alex?" I jumped and turned around to look at Ryan, whose dark brown eyes were staring straight at me, half-open. I cursed myself for waking him up and placed my hand over my heart, which was beating loudly and rapidly.

"You scared me, asshole," I told him as he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sorry, my bad," he mumbled with one corner of his mouth pointed upward. I waved it off with a hand motion and sighed, letting my arms settle on either side of me. "What time is it?" I shrugged and looked around for my phone. I found it on the floor and checked the time.

"Oh my God," I said with a groan.

"What?" he asked.

"It's nine in the morning. You're destroying my life," I complained. He laughed and stood up. "I wanted to sleep until at least noon."

"If anything, I'm a good influence. Now, you can enjoy the morning." I shook my head as Ryan stepped towards me. I felt my heart start pounding in a different way when his eyes locked on to mine. He had a look on his face that could only be categorized as unreadable. There was a smirk across his lips, but it wasn't condescending or cocky. He stepped towards me again, and I stepped back against the wall. His eyes held a strange glimmer I'd never seen before.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he moved closer to me. We were mere inches apart with no explaination. I felt like a cartoon character whose heart was beating so hard it stretched out their skin. He placed his hands on my shoulders, my stomach feeling like a stampede was running through it. He leaned forward and his mouth was right next to my ear. His chest pressed on mine, and I shivered. The front of my body felt warm, but my back was cold from being against the wall.

"Enjoy your morning, little scholar. I should go," He whispered. I could practically feel his lips on the top of my ear. He stood there for a moment, and I was frozen. Suddenly, he moved away from me while I stood there like some sort of idiot. I shuddered. I watched him grab his phone and slide his shoes on effortlessly. "Later, Alex," he said with a huge smirk. I shook my head, trying to shake some sense into myself.

"Uh, I- bye," I said. I saw the satisfaction on his face. Did he really like doing that just to get me flustered and awkward? If so, I'd be completely pissed off. I was certain it was all playful and that he was just messing with me because I was gay and he knew he was hot, but it felt like he was playing with my feelings. Not that I had feelings for him, of course, but it was like he wanted me to have feelings for him so he could string me along like a puppet. Like hell I'd let that happen.

I sighed and went to eat breakfast. I leaned against the white, marble counter and ate a bowl of cereal. A few minutes later, Chelsea came downstairs. She glanced at me for hardly a second and looked down. She walked right passed me.

"Woah, woah, what was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" She was almost completely monotone.

"Um, that? That whole not saying anything to me thing?" She shrugged and grabbed an apple.

"Nothing, just tired,"

"That's a lie. You're a huge morning person. What's wrong? Why are you mad at me?"

"Nothing and I'm not."

"You obviously are so stop lying."

"I said I'm not mad!" she shouted. I crossed my arms, but she simply glared at me.

"Why are you pissed off then?"

"You're so fucking annoying!"

"Language!" We both turned and saw our mom standing by the door. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing," we both said. She smiled and shook her head.

"You two are as good of liars as your dad," she reminisced. I glanced at Chelsea, our eyes met, and we both looked down. "That means you're terrible. You don't have to tell me, but whatever it is, work it out. Peacefully," she instructed us.

Chelsea rolled her eyes and stormed out of the room. I could hear her anger as her feet slammed against the steps as she went back to her room and forcefully shut the door. My mom crossed her arms and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, realizing she was mad at me, too. "I didn't start it!"

"Just be patient with Chelsea. She's not handling this well."

"What am I missing right now?" I asked with pure frustration in my voice. "I didn't do anything!"

"You and that boy- it's Ryan, right?"

"What about him?" She half-smiled and shook her head.

"You mean to tell me there's nothing going on between you two?"

"Oh, come on, really? We're barely even friends."

"Right," she said with an almighty smirk and walked away. I sighed in exasperation and shook my head.

"Women," I mumbled.

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