18 | action scenes

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when you're writing fanfiction for the 100, you're going to write an action scene at some point. it's bound to happen, considering there are several disputes between the delinquents themselves and with the grounders no matter which season you're watching. they can be extremely difficult. that's why i'm here to help!


-sometimes, less is more. keep the sentences that you want your readers to focus on short. place longer and medium-sized ones around it. if you make all of your sentences the same length, you'll disrupt the natural flow of the story. try to avoid super-long ones, though

-fist fights are extremely draining and do not last long, especially if your character is inexperienced

-try to read up on types of weapons. i can't tell you how many times i've researched handguns, rifles, and swords to properly name their components during the delinquents' journey

-again, refer back to my "a lesson in badassery" chapter to remind yourself that your character should not be an expert right off the bat. they will fall on their asses sometimes and that's okay

-don't focus too much on thoughts in a fast-paced fight or battle. pausing for thought will make your character get rekd. in the heat of it, they're likely not thinking at all. unless you're explaining tactics they're using, don't have them start wondering what they're going to eat later. you can save the reflections for the aftermath.

-what do we want? descriptive words! when do we want them? now! seize the opportunity to use those eye-catching words like crunch, throb, pulse, hammer, grind, thrash, clench, knock, curl, coil, writhe, strain, bolt, heave, shriek, splinter, etc

-sight isn't the only sense you have. does the character smell the coppery scent of the blood trickling from their nose? after people die, their bowels and bladders empty. a battlefield littered with dead bodies is not going to be pleasant. do they hear the clang of metal on metal? gunfire? the screams of the wounded? battle cries? do their muscles ache? is their weapon heavy? maybe the overwhelming stench makes their eyes water and their vision is blurred. (make these observations quickly. don't pause in the middle of it to describe the scenery)

-females generate more power in their punch when they start from their navel. men generate more power starting from their chest area.

-keep track of injuries. a twisted/rolled ankle is going to make the character slower and put less weight on it. i have a chapter related to injuries and how long they last. remember that they sometimes have immediate effects, too!

-everyone has a different fighting style. some are wild and others are more lithe or graceful. pick one for your character and stick to it

-long, loose hair SUCKS in battle. try to have your character tie their hair back if this applies to them. otherwise, have it get in the way a bit, because there's no way it won't

-every action has its equal opposite reaction (thanks to hamilton, our cabinet's fractured into factions). if the enemy throws a punch, your character will either have to dodge or take the hit, and so on (action -> reaction)

-speaking? ain't nobody got time for that. unless it's quick jabs between movements or something, nobody should really be talking

-be mindful of pain tolerance. this will determine what breaks your character. some can go down with one direct punch and others won't

-a person can get knocked out from a chokehold in three seconds if it's done properly.

-it is a terrible idea to throw someone because they have a better chance of scrambling away. unless you're doing this to gain distance, you shouldn't make it your ideal move

-take it from deadpool: sticking a landing is a bitch to the knees/ankles. rolling is the way to go!

-do NOT, for the love of god, rip an arrow out. it'll do more damage than it did going in

-everyone has a flinch response, also known as your body's way of telling you, "get the f*ck out of here or we're gonna die." the less experienced your character is, the more likely they are to take a few hits before their fighting instincts kick in. if they've been in countless fights, they've probably trained themselves to suppress this

-adrenaline works against you!!!! it slows you down, makes you sluggish and jittery. you will not gain superhuman abilities from an adrenaline rush! it may dull your pain and make you less tired, but you won't suddenly be able to roundhouse kick your opponent in the face. overall, you may be able to hit more because of the jitters, but they will not be accurate. it'll be more like hopelessly flailing than precise fighting

-archery isn't a wimp's way out. if your character is an archer, they are likely STRONG. bowstrings are heavy as heck

-blood. so much blood. make sure your character isn't losing too much of it

-if there's a lull in the fight, then you can pull back and assess things before diving back in. being distracted for too long is a death warrant

-swords dull easily and require more upkeep than people realize. make sure that shit's sharpened, but not so sharp that it breaks or is only capable of giving shallow cuts

-your character will be in PAIN. if it's minor, they may not realize it until later, but if their arm is broken, it will hurt like a mofo

if i missed anything or you have tips of your own, leave them in the comments!

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