thirty-five 🛇

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Hanae awoke slowly, enjoying the pleasant tingling that calluses left on her back. A man's rough hand smoothed over her. Daylight teased the edges of her eyelids, but she squeezed them tighter, not ready to end the bliss yet. She could pretend for at least a couple moments longer that the creeping in her scalp was not caused by Kakashi staring down into the top of her head, that he had not felt her breathing grow heavier from where she lay on his bare chest signifying her waking.

A kiss touched the part in her hair.

"Are you awake?" he murmured, trailing the tip of his nose through her short tresses. It framed her face and fanned across his chest, burgundy lit ablaze by the light filtering through the window.

"Not yet. Do that some more," she mumbled and leaned back into his heavy palm. His chuckle was warm as was his hand. Fingers traced the ink staining her spine. The last slash of gi flicked, yu formed a delicious curve, the broad stroke of jin nearly stretched to her ribs, and the tail end of rei disappeared under the ebony kimono covering their lower halves. Hanae stretched her legs. The motion stopped short with a squeak.

This time the chuckle was dark. "Was I too rough?" Kakashi teased half in pride and half in true concern. "Should I make it up to you?"

She huffed in embarrassment. The hand resting on his bicep swept over heated skin, moving slowly over his shoulder. He jolted with a shout when she pinched the nipple just in front of her face. "Make it up to me by bending me in half again?" She giggled at his reaction.

"You enjoyed it," the jounin accused. "I seem to recall a certain someone begging for more when I bent her in half." He swatted at her hand and rubbed at his chest. It eased the twinge her grip caused but did nothing for the steady flow of blood downward prompted by the same action.

The woman stiffened slightly at the rise against her hip. Hanae shifted, pushing herself up until she sat on his stomach with a smirk. Her legs moved to either side of his body, hands resting atop each other on his abs. They deterred his wandering view. "Kakashi," she admonished, tone laced with humor and flirtation.

Kakashi's hands rested on the curves of her hips. His thumbs rubbed placid circles on the faint V of her abdomen. "What?" He questioned with a shrug, "I'm a warm blooded, healthy young man. What man wouldn't get aroused with a goddess sitting so vulnerable at his fingertips?" A growl rumbled in his throat as she wiggled her hips, snuggling her butt back into his erection.

"So I'm a goddess now?" Hanae quirked her brow. The rakish smirk playing at her features morphed into something more bashful. A flush bloomed on the apples of her cheeks the further his right hand wandered up. It stroked her side, leaving goosebumps raised in the wake of the contact. "What happened to being a good girl?"

"You're still a good girl," Kakashi mused. The pale haired man propped himself on his left hand. The change in position moved her back and Hanae shivered as the crest of his head dragged slowly along her pussy. "Now," he groaned between the sloppy kisses he pressed into her neck, "be a really good girl and ride me."


Hanae was a passionate lover ; this was something Kakashi learned quickly. Just as with her joy, her pleasure seemed to be felt tenfold. Hands knotted in the sheets, clenched pillows, carded through his hair, and raked over his back. They gained purchase on anything to keep her grounded through the mind numbing euphoria. Even when he held her wrists tight above her head Hanae would grip her hands together as if praying for him to give her more. And after they had settled, breathing hard and pressed together, the woman's hands would wander, caressing heated skin and tracing lazed lines.

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