Chapter 16 *Abortion*

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Stacey POV.

It's been two weeks since I have known about me being pregnant. I didn't tell anyone. I couldn't tell anyone. There's no way I could tell Liam about me being pregnant. I made up my mind about having an abortion because this kid doesn't deserve this.

I kept playing with my fingers nervously waiting for my name to be called. My mind kept telling me what I was doing was wrong but I had to hurry. Nurse April told me if I wanted to keep the baby then she'll have to inform the principal but I told her I already made up my mind about not keeping the baby and it was the truth. I can't take care of this baby and Liam will never be a good father to him or her.

"Stacey Marshall." A nurse called me with my file. My mind wanted to explore that moment. This is it.

There's no going back from this. There's no an undo button once I do this.

I got up and followed the lady but then I heard Lexie's voice calling me and I quickly turned to look at her my hurt skipped a few beats.

What the hell could she be doing here?

"Hi." I faked a smile waving at her as she came to walk closer to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came for a checkup because I was in a fight and you?" Lexie asked.

"I---Same actually. I fainted the other day so I thought it would be a great idea just to make sure if everything is fine with me." I can't believe I just lied to her.

"Okay." She sounded liked she didn't believe me. "You do know that this side is for abortions. So unless you--"

"No." I giggled. "Are you seriously telling me this is the abortion section after I waited for hours in this line."

"Yep. Don't worry you not the first person who made that mistake. There was once that I made that same mistake as you." Lexie smiled at me. I quickly looked at the nurse that was coming and I knew she would call my name again so I grabbed Lexie's hand and walked away with her.

She offered to give me a ride home and I was actually happy that she didn't bother asking me why what I just did to her. I don't even understand why she's here. Liam told me that they left and she lives in Moscow.

As soon as we arrived at Liam's place I quickly ran upstairs to the room. I jumped on the bed and I couldn't believe I didn't do it. Lexie ruined everything for me but I don't get why I'm happy.

Why the hell I'm I still happy about being pregnant?

I know there's so many teenagers that raised their children just fine even if one parent abandons the child. There's so many single mothers and single fathers out there so why can't I do it. I don't need Liam to take care of this child with me. I quickly shut my eyes thinking about everything.

I quickly got up and sneak out of the room making sure Liam or anyone else doesn't see me. I really tried keeping this baby but I just can't. As soon as I reached the hospital I ran straight to the abortion section.

I'm sorry. I whispered to myself talking to the nurse. I told her everything that happened that's why I couldn't have been here when they called my name. The nurse kept saying I should come back later but I couldn't. I know if I don't DK it now then I may never do it again.

After begging her she finally gave up and asked the doctor if I could come in. The doctor agreed and I quickly went in the room. I sat there on the bed and the doctor kept talking but I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted an abortion as soon as possible. I asked her for the abortion pills and she repeated all her words again about how there is no going back from this.

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