Chapter 1 (back to high school)

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Stacey POV.

If there was a day I ever called boring then that would be a lie, because the worst day I ever had is today. The whole time our teacher Mr Philip was teaching us how we are made. I have never had a boring day like this one. Everyone was actually enjoying themselves and paying attention because for them that is the best part of bio.

"Who can tell me how reproduction takes place in humans now ?" Mr Philip asked as he took his seat asking questions to see if we were listening.

"Yes, Jayden." I quickly turned to look at Jayden who had his hand up. Jayden always gave answers that had nothing to do with the question let alone the whole topic.

"Sexual intercourse." He said smirking at Mr Philip.

"What about sexual intercourse?" Mr Philip asked

"You want me to explain the whole process?" Jayden asked and he nod "Its the process when we have s** or F*ck and usually babies are made because we have unprotected s** and boom idiots are formed."

"Detention for you Mr Code." Mr Philip said as he got out of his seat angry at how Jayden explained.

"But sir I didn't even demonstrate yet." Code said winking at Rain who was his girlfriend. Everyone tried holding their laughter.

My lips twitch into a small smirk but before I could laugh the door slamming open made me snap out of it.

"I don't want to set in detention." I heard one of the guy say as they come in. I couldn't see who it was.

"We just got here dude. There's no detention for us." The other guy replied and I knew that voice. I just can't remember where I heard that voice.

"Can you two stop talking and introduce yourselves." Mr Philip said interrupting them.

"Ooh f*ck I'm Calum May." One of them said and then he quickly pointed his finger on the guy next to him who still didn't turn around yet "And he is Liam salv--" He was interrupted by the guy himself "My name is Liam May and we brothers."

Liam turned around as Calum said "Right."

Shit It's them. Those two that always come to the club.

Mr Philip cleared his throat to have our attention "As we all know we were expecting two new learners and as you can see they arrived so girls and boys I expect you to show them around and help them if they need any help after all they new." We all gave a big nod.

"Liam why don't you sit next to Kyla she can show you around and Calum you with Stacey she's not umm." He paused to take a good look at me "She's not bad just a bit shy."

Thank god at least I don't have to show Liam around.

"Sir." Liam said angry as Mr Philip looked at him "Ca-can I sat at the back of Stacey. There's an empty seat." He said pointing at the table.

"But it's your brothers--" Mr Phillip was rudely interrupted by Liam as he walked to the desk behind me and took his seat "Thanks sir." He said ignoring Phillip.

"Well Calum you have to sit at the back of Kyla then." Mr Philip said as Calum quickly took his seat.

Liam kept hitting my chair with his foot the whole time trying to get my attention or something "Stop it." I aggressively muttered in my mouth. I was losing my patience and this guy was nowhere finishing his arrogance childish action.

"Hey angel." He whispered behind my eye and his voice send shivers down my spine.

I complete ignored him acting like I didn't hear him and he started hitting my chair again with his foot and this time I turned around and said "I swear--" I paused as I took a deep breath and saw him smiling.

"Stacey stop disturbing Liam." Mr Philip said as I quickly turned around. That's why he was f*cking smiling. "Sorry sir." I quickly apologized.

After a few minutes he started pulling my hair. "Ugh." I muttered.

"Sorry angel but you have beautiful hair I have to play with it." He whispered. God his so crazy.

"Stop it." I said turning to face him.

"That's it Stacey. Detention after school." Mr Philip shouted.

"But sir I didn't do anything I swear h--"

"Enough Stacey. You either stay for detention or show them around school during break. Which means there's no break for you." Mr Philip shouted at me as he fold his arms.

I always hated him the most and now I started hating him even more "But sir that's not fair on Stacey." Jayden said interrupting me.

"Excuse me, and who the f*ck are you ?" Liam asked Jayden as he fold his arms across his chest angry.

"Enough!" Mr Philip exclaimed "Jayden you going to show Calum around and Stacey you going to show Liam around problem solved." As soon as Mr Philip tried to sit down the bell ring for break.

I quickly got up and someone grabbed my arm before I could work "Angel why don't you wait for me." He said pulling me back to him.

"Leave me alone." I said trying to take his filthy hands of me

"Sir" He yelled making me panic "Okay fine let's go." I said making him smile.

I showed him everywhere around the school except for the bathrooms because firstly I can't go inside the boys bathroom and secondly he can't come inside the bathroom so there's no way I could show him.

"When are we going to eat ?" He asked

"We not going to, because of you." I said facing him. God his so f*cking hot.

"I'm eighteen not f*cking eight so I won't be following his orders." He said as he walked to the cafeteria. So his only a year older then me.

"You wouldn't dare. I'll go tell Mr Phillip." I threatened him and he quickly turned to face me and started to walk towards me "Did you" He said taking another step towards me "threatened me?" He asked as he took another step. I quickly took a few steps back.

"I asked you a question." He said angry as he took one more step.

"I'm no-not sca-scared of you." I said looking down. I could hardly breath because his nose was literally almost touching my nose. He was so damn close to me.

"No one threatens Liam Salvatore and gets away with it." He said and I quickly tried running away from him because he was scaring me but before I could even take a step I was roughly grabbed and shoved against the wall.

I was shock and couldn't believe what he just did to me. I didn't even care about the pain but before I could recover from that his hands caught my neck gripping it.

"Don't ever try to threaten me again." He stated as his hand tighten even harder around my neck. My whole body was becoming numb.

"I ca-can't breath." I couldn't breath and I couldn't speak. Omg what did I get myself into ?


Thanks for reading my new book lemme know what y'all think about it. Please don't forget to comment and vote and share if you enjoyed it.

Quick questions!!

What do you guys think of Liam?

This is just the start BTW !!

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