Chapter Fourteen- Help.

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There are two more chapters before this which I have also published- so read them first if you haven't.

I'm sorry.

Change in PoV


Megan's PoV

My trembling fingers once again jab at the call icon, tears welling in my eyes as I hear the same message-

'Hello, I can't answer the phone right now,  if it's important please leave a message after the beep. Thank you, bye!'

"No! Freddie please! Please pick up!" I murmur into the small device, clutching it in a fierce grip. My body rocks from side to side, my hair is a greasy mess from the stress.

Mum places a gentle hand on my back, trying to get me to sit down. With a 'sweetheart please' and a 'it's not your fault'.

But she doesn't understand!

She wasn't the one that found his bed empty. She wasn't the one that saw him lying there. She wasn't the one that gave him Freddie's address in the first place.

She won't ever understand. If I hadn't of seen him- he would be dead! Freddie isn't answering his stupid phone- everything is going wrong.

My nails crack and snap from the pressure I am placing on them- digging them into my bare knees. I must look manic, eyes wide; scratches up and down my arms.

A lady in blue heads our way, with an apprehensive look on her face.

She asks me if I need anything, if I'm going to be okay. She places a hand on my shoulder- much like mum did- but she's not mum; she doesn't care about me!

I slap her greasy hands away- the hands that touched my brothers frozen body. She looks startled, her blue eyes widening.


Everything in this place is blue. The walls, the floor, the paintings and the frames. It's supposed to calm you down but I can't- I can't breathe and the blue is only making it worse.

Will's eyes are blue- like sparkling diamonds. But I might not ever see his eyes again- they were closed when I reached him and he refused to wake up. I shook his shoulders, I called his name, I cried in terror.

He didn't respond.

I can't just sit here- I refuse to just sit here! I'm looking for Freddie, no matter how long it takes. He'll know what to do- he's supposed to be Will's boyfriend!

He's supposed to be here.

But he's not and I don't know why. I call him again, as I rush out of the suffocating blue hospital.

'Hello, I can't answer the phone right now,  if it's important please leave a message after the beep. Thank you, bye!'

I clutch at my sides, I throw up into a nearby bush, I carry on walking.

A passing stranger moves away from me, he thinks I don't notice when he shields his child's eyes, I carry on walking.

A policeman eyes me- eyes filled with concern, his hand clutching a small walkie-talkie, I carry on walking.

Even when he follows me down the icy path, I carry on walking.

I reach Freddie's street, and soon I see his house. The door looks broken and bruised- much like William's frozen body-

I knock on it gently, then a bit louder. His father comes to the door- a cigarette slipped in between his rotting teeth. A cough erupts from his battered throat- it sounds like throat cancer.

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