Chapter Four- Soft Giggles

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Megan :p ^

Megan's PoV

I laugh at what Spencer shouts, my stomach clenching with joy. I look around the room, then frown suddenly.

"Where's Freddie?" I ask, looking at the time and noting that half an hour has passed.

Spencer and Oscar look around too, equally as confused- a slice of pizza hanging from Spence's open mouth.

They don't reply, dumbfounded looks decorating their scrunched up faces.

"I'll go check", I finally decide and make my way up the stairs, heading towards the- seemingly- vacant bathroom.

I frown, scratching the top of my head. Ready to head back downstairs, I still when I hear something strange.

I hear soft giggles and laughter coming from my right- from William's room. My confusion deepens as I recognise Freddie's voice wheezing out a sentence.

Not wanting to disturb them, I creep towards the slightly ajar door and push it some more, so that I can peer inside.

And what I see leaves me in pure astonishment.

Will lays, as always, surrounded by countless pillows and duvets- a joyous expression filling his face. Next to him is Freddie, hugging a fluffy blanket close to his chest.

Their shoulders touching, their knees overlapping; their amusement shining through.

William never lets anyone sit on his bed. Not even me.

"So, we were watching 'The Good Place' and the oven beeped because the pizza was done..."

I roll my eyes, Freddie always tells such weird stories about his family. William, however, doesn't seem to mind and is nodding along- enraptured.

I smile, shutting the door quietly; hearing a small click. I'm happy for them, happy for the deep bond that has already seemed to form.

There have always been signs, yet it hasn't clicked until now that Will might be gay. I walk down the stairs, an enthusiastic expression on my face- glad that my brother seems to be truly happy for a change.

And although that happiness seems to be in the form of my friend, I could never be angry with him for that.

"Where is he?" The joint voices of Spence and Ossie question me.

"He's talking to William" I wink, basking in their surprised expressions and furrowed brows.

Instantly, I'm bombarded with impatient questions- which to all, I simply reply, "I have no idea".


William's PoV

I hear the door to my room click shut, looking towards it before shrugging it off. Probably just the wind.

"I then watched my brother open the oven and pull the boiling pizza out with his bare hands, rack and all, screaming at the top of his lungs. Mum came in and rinsed it under cold water; it was amazing!"

Freddie finished telling me his story, earning a heartfelt chuckle. Although 'family' stories may be boring for some, they are simply endearing and hilarious for me.

We talk for- I don't even know how long, until my body feels weak and my head goes dizzy.

Panic crowds my face, desperation to not ruin things leading to further mental exhaustion.

Without warning, I collapse back  and can barely mutter a, "Goodnight" before I'm out like a light- my head resting slightly on Freddie's covered shoulder.

An indistinguishable response comes from his mouth as consciousness fades into the darkness.

I hate this.


A super short chapter, I know! Just thought that I'd add a little bit of a cliffhanger before all of the emotional stuff :p

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A super short chapter, I know! Just thought that I'd add a little bit of a cliffhanger before all of the emotional stuff :p

I hope you enjoyed, I'm just about to go have tea so:

Bye :)
El x

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