Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(PS: picture above is Lola)

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(PS: picture above is Lola)

"Wait." Nia's hispanic sister interjected. "What's a blood oath?"

Lex frowned as he realized he didn't know her name, nor that of the other sister. They'd been here for four days and he didn't have the faintest idea about their names and yet he knew Cadan and Benjiro's.

'That's Lola,' Nia supplied mentally. 'And Rya.'

'Lola?' He queried wondering who would punish their child with such a name.

'Alejandra Larissa Omayra Lujan. She prefers the acronym Lola.'

Lex thought about that for a minute then let his amusement filter through their link. 'Shouldn't it be ALOL?'

He sensed the laughter in her but she didn't let it spill over. 'I wouldn't ask if I were you. She gets testy and has a mean temper.'

'Do you have a temper?'

'Yes, we all do.' Lex raised a brow at that, unable to picture his gentle mate showing much of a temper.

"... so basically one party makes a promise," Cade was saying and indicating the Oracles. Whatever explanation he'd provided Lex had missed as he'd talked to his mate. He really needed to stop distracting them both.

"It's sealed by magic so that breaking it will be fatal." Cade finished.

"Let's try not to make it fatal shall we." His father admonished.

"Ah, no disrespect meant Alpha but fatal is what we need." Ben put in. "The Beserkers want to have me for dinner where I'm the main course. The Voslov prince wants to have Rya on tap for the royal vampires. The sisters of Anakhe want to sacrifice Lola for whatever reason and the mage king has vile plans for Cade."

"Like I said before, I'm not feeling the love and we have way more to lose if even one of them decides to get creative with our blood."

Lex felt the anger rising in the Alphas at the insult to their Oracles. A pack Oracle was part of the pack council, a close advisor and held the trust of the Alpha. To question them was to question the Alpha. Lex hoped Ben understood the insult he'd just delivered and would show his submission to minimize the damage.

"Our Oracles are honorable and would not betray the trust put in them." His father's voice held a whip of reprimand, something that would have had most pack members wincing and submitting.

Lex felt his brows almost invade his hairline as Ben tensed a bit but didn't back down. "Do you know why Huehuecoyotl talked about naming?" He asked instead.

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