Chapter Eighteen

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"Nia, honey," his mother's voice cut through the intimate cocoon they'd established

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"Nia, honey," his mother's voice cut through the intimate cocoon they'd established. Lex suppressed the swift irritation that rose in him at the interruption, then came alert at the endearment his mother had used.

While dear was his mother's 'you better give me a reason not to go to war with you' endearment, honey was her 'I've got unpleasant news' one. The kind that was life-changing.

He frowned at her, but her eyes were on Nia who was also looking back at her. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair, the last thing he wanted was for Nia to be more upset. He needed her safe and secure, finding the strength that'd been brutally ripped from her. He thought the last four days had been a good start and now...

"You have visitors." His mother finished.

Straightening from his slouch over the stove he once again cursed the fact he was being punished. If not for that they would've still been in his apartment either lazing on his couch or making their breakfast together. Instead, they were in the main kitchen as he made the pack breakfast. Well, she was instructing him on how to make a decent one, one that people would actually eat.

A frown marred his mate's face as confusion clouded her cerulean eyes. Taking the pan off the stove he switched it off. "Visitors?" She asked as Lex walked over to stand by her stool.

His mother drew closer to them. "It seems Jake Eastaungffe's parents took the pack away from him. They came in last night and wish to talk to you."

Nia's voice hitched, her face paled and Lex wrapped his arm around her to hold her up as she almost fell off the stool. With her haunted eyes still on his mother, she clutched his arm as if it were a lifeline.


The tears lacing her voice brought out an angry growl from him as the alpha in him fought for control. 'Not now!' He growled at the wolf. 'The last thing our mate needs is for us to lose control.'

'You better protect her.' His wolf growled back.

'She is my mate too.' Lex replied in a mild manner, trying to suppress his own anger. This wasn't about him. He seemed to have to remind himself of that a lot.

"I don't know sweetheart. They won't say and will talk only with you."

His heart lightened a bit at the endearment. It seemed his mother had embraced Nia as his mate since sweetheart was her endearment for her kids, niece and nephews. It wasn't enough to dispel his anger though. What could the Alpha pair possibly want with Nia? They couldn't possibly know she was pregnant, could they?

"You don't have to see them if you don't wanna." He assured his mate.

Looking up to him she shook her head. "I don't want to, but if I try to avoid this, whatever it is won't just go away."

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now