Chapter 17

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Over the next few weeks, Allura and I have gotten closer. We exchanged numbers and met up for what she called "girls night" once a week. I felt comfortable around her, considering she was my first female friend and wasn't a snob like the other girls in my previous school and some at this one. 

The only bad thing was that she kept on insisting that Keith liked me. I kept on denying what she thought was true when I thought it was impossible. Seriously, Keith is way out of my league. Since I have been hanging out with Allura, I gradually changed from wearing baggy shirts and sweatpants or leggings to wearing nicer things that we bought while shopping. I hated shopping, but I went because Allura was practically begging me. Also, the boys were all busy, so I went with her.

After the shopping spree, we went to my room and started picking out outfits for school. After a lot of begging, she managed to get me to wear a flowery green top with cute high wasted jeans. I wore my converse with it because I was not going to change that, but left my hair out because Allura said, and I quote, "You look prettier with your hair down."

I kept on my glasses as I went downstairs. Matt was alone in the kitchen, eating some leftovers from yesterday's dinner.

"Hey, Katie. Woah, what are you wearing? It's so much different than what you usually wear," Matt said, shocked.

"Allura and I bought this and she said I should wear it. Does it look nice?" I ask, conveying with my eyes that I wanted a completely honest opinion.

"Of course you do. Oh, and by the way, Keith and Shiro had to go somewhere so I can drop you to school," Matt said to me as I got breakfast.

After I ate breakfast, I quickly packed my lunch in my bag and went to Matt's car. He came out a few minutes later, holding two bags.

It took about 10 minutes to reach school. I said bye to Matt and went inside. I felt weird wearing these clothes that I wasn't used to. I felt

Clutching my backpack handles, I started walking to my locker only to be stopped by a group of girls wearing heels, short skirts and tops, and a ton of makeup.

The leader of the group was Katherine, the girl who came up to Keith and me during lunch. 

The one who called me ugly.

"Wow, did you really think Keith will go for you just because you changed how you dress? You still look like the piece of trash you always were," Katherine sneered as her posse laughed behind her. 

My eyes watered, but I pushed them down and told her, "Well, you still don't have enough brain cells to be with Keith considering how he doesn't even talk to you."

A few kids oohed from around us, watching the conversation between a popular girl and a nerd.

"You-you, ugh! I hate you! You stole Keith from me! Don't worry though. He is going to get bored of you and come running to me.  You probably don't even know any tricks," Katherine shouted, gaining more attention. 

This was not how I wanted to start the morning. And I did know a lot of tricks.

"As a matter of fact, I do know a lot of tricks that you and brainless head don't. I can hack any database in less than 10 seconds. Bet you can't do that," I said, and everyone started laughing at me. That's a good trick, isn't it?

"Oh my god, you are so innocent. Wait..." Katherine smirked as if a thought came to her, "You haven't even done it haven't you? Wow, Keith is going to get bored of you real fast."

And with that, she walked away, leaving me confused. I thought I was a fun...oh, that's what she meant.

Sure, I haven't done it before, but that doesn't mean that Keith was going to get bored of me. I was a pretty fun person, and I could show him some of the tricks I knew. 

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