Chapter 7

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As soon as Keith and I went inside my house, I was tackled by a person that I realized to be my brother.

"Where were you, Pigeon? I was so worried? Did you get hurt? Are you okay? Do I need to kick some a-"

"I-I am fine, Matt," I said as I tried to push him off me, but he just loosened his grip on me. 

He just nodded and then looked at Keith, a glare on his face.

"YOU! You were supposed to bring Katie here on time!"

Keith, obviously surprised, back away some, a guilty expression on his face. 

I looked over at Shiro, who realized that Matt was close to killing his brother, so he quickly stepped in to prevent having to explain to the police why a dead body of his brother would be on the floor.

"Hey, Matt, Katie must be hungry. Let's get her some food, okay?" Shiro said, trying to distract Matt. 

It worked. Matt let go of me and started to drag me to the kitchen, but not before shooting Keith a glare and using his hands to make the I-am-watching-you sign. I had to hide my giggle when I saw Keith's still-shocked face. He recovered from it quickly and walked towards the kitchen, also hungry for some food.

Throughout dinner, everyone was quiet and casually eating, except for Matt, who was still giving not-so-subtly glares to Keith. After a while, I was tired of this and decided to say something.

"Matt, Keith didn't do anything wrong. Stop making this entire thing so awkward! I finally have one friend so don't try scaring him off, please?" Once I was done, I continued back to eating, happy that I could finally say something without stuttering.


 After a while, I realized I was the only one eating and looked up to see two shocked faces and one smirking one.

Why was I not surprised. 

"What?" I questioned, feeling uncomfortable that all three of them were looking at me weirdly. Did I say something wrong?

"I, I am sorry Katie. I was just...worried that you got hurt or something and-"

"It's okay," I cut him off, "I understand. 

All of us finished our food and it was time for Keith and Shiro to go. Matt had to give something to Shiro, so Keith and I were waiting in front of the door. 

"So," Keith started, "I am your friend?" He had a small smirk on his face that added to my blush from his words.

I totally forgot about that? Wait...what if he doesn't want to be my friend? Of course, he didn't. That incident with his friends is enough to prove that theory. Well, I just totally embarrassed myself!

"I-I-I mean i-if you d-don't w-want to be-" 

Keith cut me off. "Wait, no, I was just teasing you. Of course, I am your friend. Unless you want to be something more?" He ended it with a suggestive wink that had me turning even redder.

I tried to think of a response but luckily, our brothers came to save me from the torture. Shiro gave me a quick hug, which I returned, and I just waved simply at Keith, too mortified to say anything to him. 

Keith gave me a small smile which surprised me since all I have ever seen him do was smirk. He waved back to me and then they both went back to their house.

Once Matt closed the door, he turned to face me.

" like Keith?" He questioned with a serious look on his face.

Just those four words made my face heat up, as I struggled to say something in response to his question.

"N-no, w-we are j-just friends," I managed to say. 

"Hmmm," Matt said as he walked past me to pack his bag for the next day. I followed him and did the same thing. 

We both went upstairs and after a quick goodnight and hug, I went to my room, ready to sleep. 

However, I couldn't bring myself to actually fall asleep. I was too happy about the fact that I finally had a friend to sleep. So, I decided to pick up my book from my nightstand and read. 

Sooner or later, I was too tired to keep my eyes open, and I fell asleep into a deep slumber.


The next day, my alarm rang, telling me to get up and go to school. For once in my life, I was actually happy in the morning and quickly got ready.

Today, I decided to wear something nicer than what I used to wear. I wasn't sure why, but I just felt like it.

After rummaging through my closet, I picked up a nice pair of black jeans and a cute green top to wear. I wore my black converse, trying to clean them so that they wouldn't look like a stampede ran over them. 

Once I put my hair up in a simple ponytail and deemed myself presentable, I ran downstairs, hungry for some food.

I saw that Shiro and my brother weren't in the kitchen. Instead, I saw Keith, casually putting a bunch of pancakes and probably half a bottle of syrup onto them. 

Seriously, how could he eat so much and not become fat?

"Hi," I said to him as I walked into the kitchen. He looked up from his food and instantly, a smile appeared on his face. 

"Sup, Pidge," He said with a face full of food. Instead of disgusting me, I thought the gesture was pretty cute.

Stop Katie, you guys became friends like yesterday! Don't push it!

After filling my plate up with a few pancakes but not as much syrup as Keith, I sat next to him, who was already filling up his plate with even more food than before.

"How do you eat that much?" I questioned.

He just smirked in my direction and said, "Well Katie, if you want to be as strong as me, you got to eat as much as me."

I just nodded and went back to eating my food. 

The silence was really awkward, so I was relieved when I saw the time and realized we had to go to school.

"Keith, we have to go to school," I said to him as I put away my plate and got my bag.

He nodded and did the same thing as me before we both went to his car and were off to school. 

During the ride, I realized that I forgot to ask him something. 

"Hey Keith, where were Shiro and Matt?"

"Oh, they had really early classes so they just made some food for us and left," Keith replied, keeping his eyes of the road.

"Oh, okay," I said.

As Voltron High came in our line of sight, a thought struck me.

"K-Keith," hating that my voice had lost all of the previous confidence it had, "w-will your f-friends l-like m-e?"

I could see Keith's face soften when he saw me and said, "Of course they will. Don't worry about them. They are just really big ***holes, but other than that, they won't do anything bad.

I cringed at the use of his word choice, but managed a small smile to tell him that I was feeling a bit better.

Now, if I could just convince that to myself, I would be good.

So, here is Chapter 7!

Sorry for the late update, but I was really busy with tests and other things, so I really apologize!

But, Keith and Katie are finally friends, so that is a good thing!

Do you think that their relationship is going to fast right now?

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