Chapter Ten: How to Avoid an Annoyed Oz

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She yawned, stretching her arms above her head, shivering as the cold breeze hit them. Being outside in the middle of winter wasn't the best idea she'd had, especially not with her cold. Still, Sora was buried in her book, bundled up in blankets as she sat at the foot of the gnarled old tree.

Beckett had left her there a few hours earlier, promising to be back before night fell, but Sora wasn't too sure whether she could trust him to be. Plus, there was the fact her stomach was starting to grumble, but she pushed that thought to the side.

She had no idea where to go and get lunch.

She also doubted there'd be any cheery canteens anywhere near the graveyard she was in.

It didn't seem that likely.

Fortunately, Beckett seemed to have planned ahead.

"SORA!" Raelynn's voice shattered the silence, a shock of long blonde hair flaring behind her as she ran towards her, waving at her.

At least until she tripped.

"Pay attention to where you're going, imbecile," Silver muttered, passing her sprawled form, two lunchboxes tucked under one arm. "Honestly, you're hopeless."

"Am not!" Raelynn scowled, pushing herself to her feet, sprinting over to Sora, engulfing her in a hug. "How've ya been? Oz told us you were sick."

"Fabulous," Sora said, blinking as Silver held out a box of tissues.

"Wipe your nose. It's disgusting."

Sora took one. "OK..."

"Don't be mean to Sora!"

"Silence, peasant," Silver said, glaring at her annoying companion as she sat down on the blankets, pushing one of the lunchboxes towards her.

"The twins and the lovebirds are distracting Oz for us," Raelynn chirped, cracking open her own lunchbox. "But that Beckett guy said they'd probably only be able to keep him occupied for ten minutes."

"Our instructor didn't seem too happy," Silver said, pulling the lid off her lunch. "He left part way through training and returned in an awful mood... I'm guessing that has something to do with you?"

She shrugged. "I borrowed a few books from that library yesterday."

"Oh. That'd explain it."

"Huh?" Raelynn glanced between the two of them, confusion plastered across her face. "What are you two going on about?"

Silver's eyebrow twitched. "That library we were in yesterday was one restricted to Senior Riders."

"How come Sor got in then?"

Silver took a bite of her lunch, chewing determinedly, a dark look on her face. "It means, idiot, that Sora broke in – hence why Oz is going to punch her as soon as he gets his hands on her."

"What'd you do that for, Sor?" Raelynn looked at her.

"I was bored, and it was the only library I could find," she said, shrugging. "It'll be worth the punch."

Silver sniffed. "If you say so."

Raelynn folded her arms. "You're just jealous Sora is way cooler than you."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"I'm not!"

"Are too!"

"I don't even know why I bother with you," Silver grumbled. "You're a hopeless imbecile."

"And you look down your nose at people!"

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora