A Little Adventure

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It only took five minutes for everything to go wrong, no thanks to Raelynn—who'd only just woken up. Oz sighed, exasperation written across his face as he bandaged Raelynn's leg up, her dragon squawking in protest at his closeness. She'd decided to test the rumour as to whether the trees really did turn to dust when something living touched them. Unfortunately for team thirteen, she'd decided to do that by jumping on one of the branches—unaware of the small pitfall beneath.

"We'll be fine, huh?" Sora stared incredulously at their leader.

"Everyone except this muppet," Oz replied, scowling as he hauled Raelynn to her feet. "Come on. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

"You don't say..." Silver mumbled, staring off into the distance.

"Get moving, Granny," Oz said, sighing deeply when Raelynn limped forwards. "Honestly, idiot, what am I supposed to do with you?"

"I'll be fine!" Raelynn yelled.

"Shut up," he ordered, hefting her up onto his back before she could protest. "You'll slow us down."

"We don't have a time limit on this mission, though," Sora said, her eyes narrowing on him and his new passenger. "Why the rush?"

"The Wastelands might be safe, but that doesn't mean they aren't creepy as hell." He shrugged. "I like sleeping in my own bed too... Problem?"

She bit her lip. "No."

"We'll be fine, Truant. Eyes forwards."

Sora smiled, unable to shake the unease growing in the pit of her stomach. "I guess so," she mumbled, staring out across the Wastelands. They were aptly named, dull grey trees surrounding them in a large forest with dried black leaves hanging from the branches like blotches of ink. It was a far cry from the city they'd just left behind. Maybe that was why they had lots of plants, she mused, glancing back at the large gates that'd been pulled shut behind them.

"Now, I think it's about time I told you about the history of this place... if only to distract one of you..." he said, glancing at Sora as he spoke.

"It happened during the Second Dragon War, didn't it?" Silver asked, tucking a loose strand of silver hair back behind her ear.

"That's right," Oz said, adjusting his grip on Raelynn as she rested her head on his shoulder, her dragon curling over the other. "These are the remnants of the Second Dragon War—a war far worse than the first."

Beatrice smiled. "Speaking from experience, are you?"

Oz stiffened. "I was eighteen by the time the Second Dragon War ended."

Sora froze, realising the significance of his words in an instant. "You were part of it..." she whispered, looking at their leader with a newfound respect.

"That's right."

"You gonna elaborate on that or what?" Beatrice purred, a sly smile pulling at her lips. That vanished soon after, Oz having socked her one on the head.

"You don't need to know about my involvement..." he said, glaring at the redhead as she went and sulked next to Callum. "You just need to know the facts, since history has a horrible habit of repeating itself if people don't learn from it."

"My parents already told me all about the Second Dragon War." Silver folded her arms.

"Same," Eir mumbled. "Isn't that right, twin?"

"Yep." Eisa nodded.

"Hmm?" Oz tilted his head. "Well, seeing as you're so knowledgeable, would you mind letting your teammates know the story?"

"A young necromancer declared vengeance against the Outer City. He started a war," Eir shrugged. "Not much else to it, is there, twin?"

"Of course..." Oz rolled his eyes. "Not much else happened, aside from him raising an army of the dead, draining the life out of the land surrounding us, him killing several of our best warriors we've had since the First Dragon War and—"

"Fine," Eir grumbled. "I might've glossed over a few points but..."

Eisa rested a hand on her twin's shoulder. "You won't win, twin."

Eir slumped, sidling over to join Beatrice with her twin.

"Why would he declare vengeance?" Sora asked, staring at Oz in puzzlement. "What did the Outer City ever do?"

"It stems from an event which happened before the First Dragon War..."

"You sure know a lot about history..." she mumbled, mulling over the limited information she already knew. Everyone had heard of the Dragon Wars. It was kind of hard not to.

"There are books back in the libraries, Truant. You should go and look at them—you never know... you might actually learn something..."

Sora twitched.

Raelynn sniggered, barely flinching at the glare Sora sent her way, but a sudden rustle of wind cut her off. A shadow blotted out the sun, casting them in the shade, and then two sets of feet hit the ground. Sandy dirt crunched under their weight, and then Raelynn was sitting on the ground by the dead forest.

"Get behind me." Oz's voice left no room for argument. "Now."

"Oz?" Silver shrank back.

"Seriously?!" Sora hissed, hearing the venom in his words as he stood between them and the two newcomers.

Beatrice blinked. "Who the hell are those guys?"

Oz didn't answer them.

Instead, Eisa did—her face unusually grave.

"Rogue dragon riders..."

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