Jay the Dog-Hater Spawn Catcher

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(Does anyone have any better title ideas for this chapter? I was too anxious to get it done to think a good one up. Some help would be appreciated<3)

JAY SPRINTED DOWN THE ALLEYWAY, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Was he going the right way? he though he was, but he'd honestly that he'd catch up to the dog-hater's son by now. He had sprinted the whole way, not having even broken a sweat yet. But he still hadn't caught up.

Then he spotted the scrawny boy and made his legs go even faster. He had to admit: the boy was pretty fast.

But not fast enough.

"Gotcha!" His hand latched onto the back of Carlos's collar and pulled him back.

Carlos just elbowed Jay's gut and twisted out of his grip. Jay gasped for air. That kid seriously packed a strong punch (or elbow, rather). "Leave me alone, Jay. I've got enough to worry about, okay?"

Jay growled as Carlos continued running, this time even faster than before. He couldn't let Mal down. He poured more speed into his steps, getting closer and closer. His hand reached out to grab Carlos's collar again, but then the white-haired boy made a sharp turn, and Jay continued going straight before he realized what had happened. He stopped and growled again.

Before he'd felt a little reluctant to catch the son of Cruella De Vil, but now he was angry. Angry that the boy had gotten away from him three times now. The jerk deserved to be punished.

Also, Mal was awful when she was angry, and he didn't want her or her mother on his back.

He had to do something new, though, something that would surprise Carlos so that he wouldn't be as prepared and ready to fight. He looked wildly back and forth for an idea. Then one popped into his brain and he smiled crookedly. "I'll just cut him off, then!"

He quickly took a shortcut down an alleyway, then took three more. He was going to cut him off good.

Once he felt that he was far enough, he stopped and found the best threatening and aggressive pose he could think of. He smiled smugly. He was going to make the little brat pay.

But he didn't do anything! a voice said in his head and bit his lip. Did he really want to hurt the kid? It wasn't his fault he didn't know that Mal was hoarding that food, and besides, the kid looked like he needed the food pretty badly. He was as thin as a toothpick.

Remember what Mal said, genius? asked the other part of his brain. You have to be more like Jafar! He is your father, after all. You have to keep up the family tradition!

Jay nodded to himself and went back into his threatening position. The other voice in his head was right, he did have to keep up that tradition. If he didn't then his father would probably disown him or something awful.

His ears perked up when he heard the faint noise of running footsteps. The noise got louder and louder with each passing minute, and soon enough, Jay could hear the sound of heavy breathing too. "Maybe... I actually lost him!" the boy muttered between heavy breathing. "That would be... really great."

Then Carlos came into view and froze in place, his eyes wide with shock.

Jay smirked. He wasn't that far away. If he could just... "Sorry to disappoint you." He lunged at him.

And missed. Just by an inch, because Carlos took a minuscule step back in surprise. He face-planted painfully against the pavement.

Carlos gingerly stepped over him before he could react. "Sorry, man. I gotta get home." He kept running.

Jay slowly got up and held his nose because it had started to slowly trickle blood. His head pounded painfully, making everything spin. He leaned against the building to his right.

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