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MAL COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. She just couldn't believe it. The wimpy son of Cruella De Vil and the stuck up daughter of the evil queen were friends now- that, she could believe. But that they were here, in the Dump, eating food that was rightfully hers? That she couldn't believe. "What are you two losers doing here?" she demanded.

The son of Cruella De Vil-what was his name? Canine? Craig?- shrank behind Evie, trying to make himself invisible. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans, with the nice touch of red splattered all over the back of his shirt. She was a little confused why it was only on the back, but she dismissed the thought as fast as it had popped into her head. She had to admit: his fashion taste was great. The only problem: he was a wimp, and she hated the wimpy type. Her mom did, too. So, yeah. She pretty much had to hate him. And he was scared of her in return. It was perfect.

Evie, unlike Carlos, just continued enjoying her apple, seemingly unconcerned at the arrival of Jay and Mal. She held out her half-gloved finger for Mal to wait, to which the girl tapped her shoe impatiently in reply. Her white teeth flashed as she took bite after bite after bite of the fruit. Then she swallowed the last bite and threw the core onto the ground behind her. "Getting food. What about you?"

Mal snorted, crossing her arms. "Uh, who said you could talk to me? My mom's the ruler of this place, you know."

Evie narrowed her eyes, slightly surprising Mal that she had enough guts to act that way towards her. "Hey, you asked. Besides, no one has any more superiority than anyone else here."

"Why don't you tell my mom that, then, huh?" Mal took a threatening step forward. "Or, better yet, tell yours. Go on, go tell on me. Nothing's gonna happen."

Jay snickered and held out his hand for a high-five, to which she happily obliged.

Carlos smiled nervously and straightened. He licked his lips. "Look, my mom is waiting for me at, uh, home, and I really got to..."

"She can wait," Mal said dismissively.

"No, really, I got to-"

"She can wait." Mal's eyes glowed green with anger. Then her frown turned into a smile when Carlos froze in his spot and gulped. She thought it was awesome that she could strike fear into people's hearts. "You just gotta get punished for your heinous crime. That's all. Then you can go home. 'Kay?"

Carlos flinched at the word punished. "I already get enough of that. Just let me go. I seriously have to get home."

Mal hesitated. Did he really? Was he like her and Jay, who got punished for messing up in the slightest thing? Nah, a voice said in her head. It sounded a lot like her mom's, actually. He's just trying to get away with stealing your property, the thieving jerk! Mal agreed with that statement. It just made the most sense to her brain at the time. "Too bad."

Jay looked at her in surprise. He'd obviously thought what she'd thought earlier as well.

She just shrugged. "Naughty children deserve to be punished," she said simply, restating what her mother said to her every other day. "Isn't that right, Carlos?"

Carlos looked like he didn't know whether to nod or not, and Evie's eyes glazed over like she was thinking of a bad memory or something. Mal was glad that she actually got a reaction from the girl, and her regrets washed away.

"Look, Mal," Jay whispered into her ear, "I think they're like us. I mean, come on, we don't need to be like our parents. We should just let them go."

Mal bit her lip, her feelings conflicted again. She hated deciding. She really wanted to let them go, but... "Yes, we do. We have to be like our parents. That's what they want. So we have to do it."

"Do we, though? No one will know. Let's just let them go. Please." His eyes were wide and pleading.

He looked nothing like Jafar, who would just demand what he wanted, and if he didn't get it, he'd do everything he could to. It was embarrassing. Jay was supposed to be heartless and cruel not sympathetic and begging.

She glared at him. "Are you an idiot? Our parents will know! They know everything! Man up, Jay!"

His eyes hardened and he clenched his fists. "You're right. Sorry, Mal. I- I don't know what came over me."

She sneered. "It's fine, let's just get this over with already."

They looked back over to see the two were long gone. "Really?"

Mal yelled in frustration, and whirled around to Jay. "Now see what you've done! We actually had a good bad thing to do for once!"

"Hey, you weren't watching them either!" Jay exclaimed, putting his hands up in the air defensively.

She waved the topic away. "Never mind that. Let's get them!"

"How?" Jay asked, still a little bit offended that she'd blamed him.

Mal smirked. "Tracking spell."

He smiled. "I didn't know you could use those yet. Sweet." He gestured for her to go ahead.

The purple-haired fairy pulled her emerald charm from her pocket and squinted her eyes at it. Taking a deep breath, she summoned all her strength and thoughts into the jewel. Her insides started tugging. The spell was cast.

Two images flooded her mind, one from Carlos's perspective and one from Evie's. Carlos was scrambling to get to his house, the the soggy muffin still in his hand, and Evie was sprinting to get back to her's. Mal smirked and put the emerald back in her pocket. She'd bring it out when she needed it again. "Here's the plan: You go after Carlos, I'll go after Evie. Got it?"

Jay nodded, cracking his knuckles. "Got it."

"Carlos is heading to his house, as he said." Mal informed him. "Try to catch him before he gets there. I'll just transport to where Evie went last."

"Let's do this."

They split up, both of them determined to catch the other villain kid.

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