Chapter 20

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This meeting had been planned fifty years ago. When it was discovered that Maelen was missing, the leaders convened and set the details for tonight. If Maelen didn't appear then the crown would pass to an heir.  Any heir to Maelen's line had to present themselves and anyone that wanted to contest the role for leadership had to as well.

A possible heir had up to midnight of the fifty year mark whereas a person that wanted to contest the role could only do it tonight. I knew there would be a reason but I couldn't help but wonder why Silas didn't present Alaric to the leaders years ago.

We were driving to the airport and then flying to the location. The thought of being in the air was incredibly daunting but I was excited too. The timing had to be perfect, we left early to ensure there were no hiccups on the way and once the meeting was done, we'd have to leave just to make it back in time.

The drive to the airport had been boring but I didn't care. I was seeing more of the world than I ever had. We'd traveled through the city and then the industrial estate. I'd seen vampires running through the streets, I saw beating hearts in buildings. Life was everywhere but I knew that it wasn't what it should be.

Flying was not what I thought it would be like. It was weird and it didn't help that once we were in the air, Alaric told me that it was risky and they only did it when necessary. It was a small aircraft that the pilot had to fly high to avoid the government trying to shoot the plane down.

I also learned that humans used to fly all the time, that when the world was in her glory, they traveled to different countries for holidays. Now, they didn't fly anywhere. The only planes that went up were the vampire's leaders that traveled to meetings in the center of the country and the drones that the government used when they wanted to do surveillance.

As we drove through the new city, I looked out at the curious place. It was deemed neutral vampire territory, meaning that no one person ruled it but it was still bound to rules and laws. This was a place where they could meet, supposedly without fear. I thought it was a little crazy because no matter what, they should always fear. They didn't trust each other yet they were happy to meet like this, away from the safety of their own territory.

Not that Alaric had much security, I hadn't seen a single thing at the house aside from cameras. No guards, no one watching over the place. It was exposed and vulnerable.

My legs wobbled as I stepped out of the taxi van, I gripped the edge of the vehicle and waited for everyone else to get out. This wasn't about the shoes, I was used to them now. This was about the next two hours.

Alaric got out of the van, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Doing good?"

I nodded and pulled on his jacket. One soft kiss that was more about reassurance than anything else. Taking my hand, Alaric guided me into the building. I thought that the men standing at the doorway were guards, which they were, just a different type than what I was used to. These were security guards and this building was a nightclub.

The industrial style building sat a few levels in height. Glass windows surrounded the top half of it, lights flashed out from one side, lighting up the dark night. Music pumped hard, a heavy beat pounded through the thick concrete walls.

They watched us as we walked through the doors, saying nothing. In the small entry, there was another guard with a woman beside him. She was seated on a stool behind a podium styled desk.

"We're here for the meeting."

"Well okay then," She said with an eager smile. "You'd be wanting the stairs behind you. Have fun."

Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now