Chapter 15

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Laying down on the seat, I closed my eyes and dreamt of a time when my life would not be filled with lies and deception. When someone might love me without any gain for themselves. A time when a person might want to be with me because they enjoyed my company, a time when I wasn't a name on a list of choices.

Hearing a noise, I sat up and wiped away the tears. There were more beating hearts than there should be. I could see four that was a faint flicker on the next floor up, these extras were approaching from the rear.

Scrabbling out of the car, I made my way out of the garage and through the house, racing up the stairs. Everyone was startled when I appeared at the threshold, relief filled Alaric's face until he realized that something was wrong.

We've got company."

"Did you see someone?"

"No, I can see beating hearts, there's quite a few approaching from the rear yard."

Silas frowned and moved through the corridor to the rear of the building.

"You can see beating hearts?" Alaric asked with a burning curiosity.


"We've got issues," Silas said, struggling for breath as he returned. "Caplan and Morris, cronies in tow."

"How many?" Alaric asked.

"Quite a lot. I would guess that Edwards is out there too. You know why they're here, don't you?"

Alaric nodded grimly.

"Who are they?"

"The last three on the list. I guess they don't like being on the list and have come here to voice their disgust."

"It's fine," Silas grumbled. "We'll deny any knowledge about the list and state that those who are already dead were done by someone else to try and bring Alaric down."

"And if they ask to speak with Hendrick?"

"Then I will step in," Ilsen offered. "I am known as his advisor and they will believe me when I say that he is resting for the meeting and does not wish to be disturbed. They will not push it anymore if they fear his wrath."

"Great. Let's get this dealt with." Alaric grumbled. "Nish, keep Emme company."

"Are you serious?" She snapped. "I am not staying here while you're out there being mister macho."

"Better to be alive in here than dead out there."

Nisha scowled as the three of them walked away, leaving us in the living room.

"Jerks." She hissed.

She turned to me with a smug look of defiance.

"Going to stay here and take their sexist rubbish?"

"Nope, you?"

"Of course not. Problem is, you stand out like a sore thumb. I reckon we could stealth into the back and take out a few while they're flapping their traps about utter nonsense. Come on."

Nisha grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into her room. Flicking clothes out at me, Nisha found two tight black long sleeve shirts to add to the black jeans we were already wearing. I dumped the white shirt onto the bed and changed into the new one.

"We used balaclavas tonight."

"In the limo." She gasped.

As we made our way down to the garage, I glanced out one of the rear windows and saw there were quite a few people out there.

Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang