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Anderson paced the corridor anxiously, stopping every now and then to rake his fingers through his hair. They were at the hospital and he was waiting for news from the doctors, about the condition of his bride-to-be.

Almost instantly, a doctor came out of the emergency room and met him. After raining questions on the man, he replied with only one statement, which got him thinking. “She fainted from shock.”

Anderson stood at the spot, wondering what might have caused her shock. Was it the wedding? Shaking his head, he dismissed that thought. Sydney was excited for their wedding, she told him herself, and he saw it in her eyes too. Could it be her mother’s condition worrying her?

“The patient is also stressed.” His pupils dilated, but the doctor quickly added. “Don’t worry, she will be fine. All she needs is to rest. You can see her now.” The doctor led the way and he followed.

While they went, Anderson could not help but feel guilty for her condition. He has seen how she had been distracted these fast few days. He has seen how she was not active and did not smile much, but he did nothing about it. Damn! He should have insisted that she tell him what was wrong with her. He should not have forgotten about it when she asked him to, now look where they ended up. He could have done better.

When Anderson entered Sydney’s room and saw her unconscious figure on the bed, his heart ached. He went straight to take her hand in his. “I am sorry, Sydney.” At those words, her lashes fluttered open. Glassy eyes looked at him and he added. “Sydney, what is wrong. Please tell me.”

A tear slipped out from the corner of her eyes, while she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Sydney knew she has to tell someone. Someone has to know what was going on, because the burden on her was too much. She knew a secret that was too great to bear alone, but she was afraid that he might not believe her.

“Sydney,” Anderson leaned down and gave her a hug. “Everything will be alright, okay? Don’t worry.” He assured her.

“It’s just too hard.” Her voice trembled with emotion.

He held her closer, trying to tell her that he was here for her. He was not going to let her suffer alone. No, he would ask her until she told him what was bothering her. Just like that, a painful thought crossed his mind. “Don’t you want us to get married?” He raised him to look into her eyes.

“No,” she said. “I want us to get married.” A small smile formed on her lips.

“Are you sure?” He asked. “I don’t want it to be as if I am forcing you to marry me. If you do not want to marry me, just say it.” The muscles in his jaws were prominent now. It hurt him by saying this, but he needed to know if she really wanted this.

They had agreed to forget the contract and just marry for real. However, he feels like he has forced her into agreeing to it, because she had not wanted to at first. He would never forgive himself if she feels even slightly pressured about their marriage. “So, tell me?”

“Anderson, how could you ask me something like that?” Another tear slipped out of the corner of her eye as she locked gazes with him. “Of course I want to marry you… and it’s not because I am being pressured to, no. I am doing it because I… I love you.”

A grin formed on Anderson’s lips, at her words and he placed his forehead against hers. Whispering slowly, so she heard every syllable, he said. “I love you too.” He pressed his lips on hers afterwards.

“Aw, isn’t that sweet?” A voice interrupted them almost instantly and Anderson was forced to end the kiss, which he was not too happy about. Raising himself to his full length, he spun around and frowned at his brother, who was standing at the door.      

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