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 He was getting nowhere with finding Sydney. He searched everywhere and still had no information about her. Now he just finished speaking with Attorney Greg on the phone. He wanted him to hire a private detective to find Sydney.

  It was very crucial at this moment that he found her, because Anderson had just agreed to the marriage.

 The doorbell resonated through the house and he went to get it. He was stunned when he saw Anderson and Sydney, together at his threshold. So many questions and words raced through his mind and the only thing he could voice out was:

 “You found her!”

 His brother’s confused expression suddenly turned to shock and Sydney’s sweet smile turned into confusion. That instant, he knew that Anderson just found out the woman he was carrying, was the same woman they thought were missing. However, Sydney did not seem to know that her carrier was the man she was supposed to be at war with.

  “Can we come in?” Sydney spoke to break the silence that had fallen between them.

 “Yes, please come in.” He stood aside and Anderson brought her inside. The brothers exchanged looks as they headed into the living room.

  Anderson placed Sydney into a chair and then sat down in the one next to her. “Sydney, where have you been? I searched everywhere for you.” Hansen asked while kneeling in front of her and taking her hand.

  “I was in trouble, but then Anderson saved me.” She replied and glanced at him. Now Hansen was sure that she had no idea who Anderson was. Or that they were even brothers.

 The brother’s exchanged glances but did not utter a word. “It’s a good thing that he saved you. Anderson is a very good person.” Hansen replied and then Sydney looked between the two.

 “You know each other?” She gasped.

   “Yes. He’s uh… a very good friend.”

 Hansen quickly glanced at his brother and signalled him to play along with it. Anderson’s brows arched in annoyance, but he did not refuse it. They knew they had to keep the fact that they were brothers away from her.

  “Oh, I didn’t know.” Sydney glanced at Anderson who shrugged. “Then I guess it’s a good thing.”

  “Yes.” Hansen agreed. “Anderson can you please meet me in the kitchen? Please excuse us Sydney.”

 The brothers moved to the kitchen and after the door closed behind them, Anderson was the first to speak. “Please don’t tell me it’s her!”

 “It is her!” Hansen declared and then Anderson groaned.

  “How could it be her? I met her at the party last night.”

  “After you refused her, she was angry. And I mean very angry. She was so angry that she wanted to leave. But I asked her to attend the party and meet you. You know, to see if she can try to change your mind. That’s why she was there.” Hansen said and then looked towards the door as if Sydney might try to sneak up on them.  

 When the coast was clear, he lowered his voice and spoke. “Anderson you can’t tell her that you’re the same person who rejected her before. And she can’t find out that we’re brothers either.”

 Anderson huffed. “And why not?”

  “For instance, she will refuse to play your wife and then you’ll have to marry Kathleen.”

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