The final, inevitable, concluding, inescapable end.

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Dear my readers, minions, subjects, ladies, victims, and anyone else reading this,

Alas i have no more ideas. I have bled my supply of imagination out. I can not continue this book. Thank you to all the loyal readers who read patiently as fred died, luna proved that nargles exist, the elves rebelled and snape cheated the vow.

Please read my other book, the apple games, which is a drapple thing where i have made a whole bunch of characters from different books and movies and things fall in love with an apple and then dumped them in a hunger games arena for a battle to the death. Its quite gory though.

I would like to thank myself for being awesome enough to write this awesomeness and also TechnisTechnis , for inspiring me to write it. I could probably have done it without him though because i'm awesome like that. (Haha lol no i could never reach his level of awesomeness)

Thanx for reading from the former master of pi and the current dissector of innocents, torturer of good guys and bad guys alike, conductor of sick experiments, the genderless crengarrion who everyone fears.



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