The vanishing cabinet kiss (a hinny story)

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Harry lead Ginny into the room of requirement.

"I thought we might want some privacy." He said. Ginny smiled and leant in and They kissed long and hard in the room of hidden things. Harry took a step in towards her and she tripped and they fell into the vanishing cabinet, still kissing. They felt a weird sensation, like the molecules in their bodies were rearranging, and then they fell out of the cabinet onto a hard, stone, ground.

"Where are we?" Ginny asked.

"I think we're in the Malfoy's manor," Harry replied. He leaned in and they continued their kiss.

Suddenly a door opened and Narcissa Malfoy looked in. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, looking like a startled goldfish. Finally she found her voice.

"Out! Out!" She cried, waking the 2 smoochers from their kiss.

"I thought this was going to be private," Ginny whispered


Thanx for the 3rd time to TechnisTechnis for the idea. The book wouldn't have made lift off without your help.

Also i have gotten a few comments saying that they had *cough cough* at malfoys house. NO. JUST NO.
They were making out but i do not write about... You know...

Remember i am publishing 1 story every weekday that doesn't start with an s.

Plz comment to tell me your favourite story and vote.

Coming soon: the elfish rebellion

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