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"Everything I need is right here by my side."

♫ I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift ♫ 


Annabelle stood in front of her own home for what seemed forever. It was a small cottage house, with few windows and plants in front of them. There was a flower braid attached on the front door, probably made by the young maid's mother. Anna smiled, feeling slightly homesick. 

She had managed to convince Alexander to let her come earlier and alone, just so she could prepare them for the shock that was coming their way. She could already imagine her father's face when she would tell him about the prince. That thought made her really nervous. 

Knocking on the door, she took a deep breath and waited. 

It was the middle of the morning, and she could hear faint footsteps inside. The footsteps abruptly stopped after Annabelle's knock. The door opened and the maid braced herself. 

"Annabelle!" She saw the face of her mother Elizabeth peak through the door.  Before she knew, the elderly woman had pulled her in a giant hug. Short and slightly grayish chestnut hair came into her view as she hugged her mother back. 

"Mother," she whispered, her eyes tearing up slightly. "I'm back."

"Oh, my dear daughter," she was already crying. "I have missed you. The men in this house drive me crazy every day."

Annabelle chuckled. She imagined her older brother and her father bickering about some nonsense rumor they heard at the local pub, her mother standing aside with her hands on her hips and ordering them to help her with the chores. 

Her mother continued. "The nerve of them! You know, your brother ought to marry a girl soon and bring her, or I am going to explode!"

"Oh, do not say that, Mother," Annabelle smiled, hugging her mother again. "Speaking of them, where are they?"

"In the living room, my dear," her mother said and grabbed her hand. "Come inside."

Soon as she entered the small room, her father Arnold leaped to his feet. She was crushed between his giant arms in as second. "My sweet child."

"Look who decided to pay us a visit." Jamie, her brother, came from behind and ruffled her hair. She pouted at the action. He used to do the same when they were children, and though she would never admit that, she actually missed it.

"I'm so glad you're here, my dear." said her father. 

"I missed you guys," she smiled, taking a seat on the armchair and relaxing.

"I do not mean to kill the joy, but aren't you supposed to be in the castle until Christmas?"

"Leave her be, Jamie!" Her mother scolded him. "They obviously let her come home early."

"If that is true, it is very kind of them." Her father spoke in a warm tone. She had missed his voice. There were times when she wished to run back home just to hear her father's voice. It always calmed her down ever since she was a little child. 

But, then, she remembered the real reason she had come back home. The very thought of telling them right at that moment made her stomach clench. 

"Well,"  she started. They all turned around and looked at her expectantly. "I actually need to tell you something."

Her mother put a warm hand on her shoulder. "What is it, honey?"

Annabelle took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She was beyond nervous now. 

"I have fallen in love with somebody."

She flinched as a few gasps headed her way.

"With whom, Annabelle?"

"Is it another servant?"

"Did you come here to tell us that you are getting married?!"

The last question made her heart start to race.  Alexander had not officially proposed yet, but he was coming to ask for her hand in a few moments. Remembering the happy look on his face when his parents approved of them made her smile. 

She was about to answer, when they heard noise coming from outside. Her brother leaned against the window and furrowed his eyebrows. Her mother followed right after him. Then, she gasped.  

"Oh my, is that the prince?"

It was her father's turn to go up to the window and look. "Is it, really? Why has he come to the village all of a sudden?"

"I hope he is not looking for that bloody princess, again," her brother grumbled under his breath. Annabelle stayed back once he heard her brother's words. "For some reason, he kept coming back to this house even after we told him his princess is certainly not here."

"He did?" Annabelle could not stop herself but ask. 

Her brother did not answer, as he and their father were still standing in front of the window and looking at the scene outside. Her mother was the only one who turned around to look at Annabelle. Her face looked like she had just realized something. She walked up to her daughter and hugged her.

"Oh, Annabelle."

"Mother, I--"

Her father and Jamie turned around in confusion. "What is going on?"

"I think Annabelle has a secret to tell," said her mother. "We're listening, my dear."

The noise outside kept getting louder and louder. Annabelle knew it was because the prince was coming to their house. She did not even have the chance to reply when they heard a knock on the door. 

Jamie's eyes widened as he staggered to the front door. Her father remained calm and wrapped an arm around Annabelle, as if he sensed something. When the door was opened, Alexander's mesmerizing face came into view. Those blue eyes stared at her for a few seconds. 

"Good morning." 

I finally updated!! What do you think? Once again, thank you soooo much for reading!!!

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