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"Can we see beyond the stars, and make it to the dawn?"

What About Now - Chris Daughtry ♫

What Prince Alexander did not know when he was going to Annabelle's room to find her that evening, a red haired girl was already one step ahead of him. Using the shortest route to the maid's room, Lady Penelope successfully arrived before Alexander had. 

She knocked on the door a couple of times and was glad to hear no sounds of people inside. Slowly, she pushed the door open and entered the room. 

She had a plan.

During the week she stayed at the castle to be of assistance to her father, she studied Annabelle and the things she did during the day. For example, cleaning the statues, dusting the vases, wiping the windows. And, occasionally talking to the servant Marcus.

So, when Penelope heard Alexander's footsteps coming closer and closer in the hallway outside the room, she cleared her throat and did the best impression of Annabelle's voice she could muster up. 

"Oh, Marcus," she said loudly enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. She briefly smacked her lips a few times, making a sound that one person could pin point as kissing. She heard shuffling outside of the room, and then she heard Alexander stomping away in anger. She could only assume what horrible things were going inside his head. A smirk rested on her lips.

She had succeeded in her plan.

That plan was either going to make Alexander and Annabelle's love grow stronger, or break them apart forever. She was almost certain it was going to be the latter.


Annabelle was waiting on Prince Alexander in the secret garden of theirs for what seemed eternity. The sun was starting to set, making a beautiful orange color illuminate the hills in front of the castle. She sighed at the portrait of colors in front of her. 

She heard movement in the bushes behind and her heart leaped thinking it was Alexander. And, it really was him.

"My prince," she turned around to face him and was prepared to jump into his arms, but stopped herself once she saw the grim look on his face. "What seems to be the matter?"

"What are you doing here, Annabelle?" she winced at the hard tone he used. He had never talked to her like that. He was always gentle and kind. 

She forced her bottom lip to stop quivering. "I-I was waiting for you."

"Oh, really?" he circled around her until he sat on a stone bench. "Are you quite sure of that?"

Annabelle could feel her hands starting to tremble. She was not able to explain to herself why the prince was acting that way, and quite frankly, she was afraid to find out. 

"Would you tell me what I did wrong?" she quietly asked, looking at his eyes for answers. He could not even look at her. 

Alexander sucked in a breath and chuckled mercilessly. "I don't know, Annabelle. Maybe you should tell me that, seeing as you are the one keeping secrets."

"Secrets?" she gasped, clutching her white apron tightly. "I have no secrets."

"What were you doing alone in your room with a servant this evening?" 

Annabelle's head spun from the harsh tone in his voice. But, what hurt more was his accusation."W-what--"

"I am quite certain you heard me," Alexander's usual bright blue eyes had turned dark, making them look like an ocean during a storm.  "Go on, tell me truth."

"I do not know what you mean by that," she mumbled, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes. "I was not with the servant this evening nor was I in my room. I have been waiting for you to come all this time."

"Please," This time, his tone was more gentle. He really was pleading her. "Please, don't tell me lies."

Annabelle's stubborn tears started rolling off her cheeks from the way Alexander was looking at her. The warm look in his eyes was replaced with something else. It was anger mixed with sadness.

"I swear on my heart that I am telling the truth!" Her voice grew louder as she cried. "Why can't you believe me?"

Something in Alexander snapped when he saw her shaking. Though she looked sad, she stood tall in front of him. He had never seen her so vulnerable yet so strong before. He stood up and took a few steps towards her.

"If you were not in your room, then who was?"  

She shrugged her shoulders, looking away from him. "Does it matter? You do not seem to believe anything I say."


She turned away right as his hand tried to touch her cheek.

"A couple of days ago, I was told that you were quite the ladies man. That you went off to find another princess, again." 

The prince confusedly furrowed his eyebrows. He watched as the girl's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Who told you that?"

"It certainly does not matter who told me," she quietly said, wiping off fresh tears with the back of her hand. Her voice was shaky as she continued to speak, "What matters is that I chose not to believe that. I chose to trust you. I chose to believe that you truly love me. And, what did you do instead?"

"Annabelle, please listen to me--"

"I am not finished," she raised a trembling hand to him. "What you did was accuse me of something very terrible. You were so quick to point a finger at me, you did not even give me the benefit of the doubt." 

"It broke me inside when I heard things coming from your room. You have to understand me, Annabelle."

"I am trying to understand you, I really am," she sniffed, her heart feeling like it was torn apart. "But, this is hurting me too much. I have to go."

"Please wait! We have to talk about this." He urged at her, grabbing her wrist only to watch her pull away from his touch. 

Alexander could only look as the young girl wiped the remainder of her tears and took a deep breath. His heart was thumping so loud in his chest, he felt like it was trying to escape. His fear of losing her intensified every time he breathed. "I really am sorry."

"I want to be left alone." 

That was the sentence she uttered before she left him in the lone garden, just like she did so many times. The only difference was that he was not sure if he was ever going to get her back now. 

I just wanna thank you for reading my story so far!! My joy grows with each comment that I read and I am so so thankful for everybody that has been commenting and voting on my chapters!

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