(17) Thoughts

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*Author-chan sniffles and wipes happy tears* you peeps are the best.


You grabbed the noodles and placed them into Aren's mouth as he happily chewed them with a soft blush on his cheeks from the delicious taste.

He hummed and closed his eyes. "Thanks babe." You gave him a soft smile as you ran your fingers through his purple tresses.

"Your the best girlfriend a guy can ask for." He leaned up and gave your lips a peck.

He layed back down and you went back to feeding him. Though as you two enjoyed each other's company, a thought ran through your mind.

When you both met, he definitely seemed smitten with you. However, what about Kokomi. Did he think that she was beautiful.

There was no doubt that she was. She was the perfect pretty girl. With her shiny exotic blue hair and matching eyes, perfect natural skin that she even glowed.

"(Y/N)?" A voice called you.

You blinked at looked at Aren's face. There was a noodle on his forehead. He chuckled and placed it in his mouth, then looked at you. "You were spaced out there for a bit."

"Oh, just thinking." You said and faked smiled. Suddenly it was bothering you so you couldn't help but feel anxious. You know that you shouldn't think of your best friend as competition, but it didn't eat at you until now.

Even if he didn't acknowledge Kokomi when they meet, you wondered what he actually thought of her. You didn't feel any jealously towards her, but it was more of a curious feeling. There was most times when some of her fans awed at you, but what about Aren.

"Aren, I'm going to ask you a question and be honest." He looked at you in confusion and sat up. He picked up his glasses from the coffee table and shifted them on his nose.

"Yeah?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Did you really-"

Before you could finish your questions he sighed loudly placed his fingers on your lips.

"I know what this is about." He ran a hand over his face and removed his fingers from your lips as you were taken back.

You looked into his eyes in shock, "You do?"

"I do." He sweatdropped.

"Does he?Haha the readers must be puzzled." The author said chuckling. Aren and (Y/N) looked around with wide eyes. However the author just took a sip of her tea.

Aren shook his head and looked at you with a serious face. "Fine, the truth is that I really.................
























The author laughs and sips her tea as the reader anxiously scrolls the screen.








"That bike isn't really mine. I jumped some douche and took the sweet ride." He quickly said.

Your shook face turned to one of a deadpan. "Seriously."

"Seriously." He replied. "Though in my defense, he looked like he was about to rob someone. He was old and was about to say a one-liner."

(Stan Lee, if you don't get the reference.)

"Aren, that wasn't-" you sighed. "Do you think Teruhashi is perfect?"

"Yes." He stated bluntly.

"What?" You looked at him wide eyed but he shrugged.

"Yeah, she is, but it's not a big deal. I'm not into her or anything."

"Why not?" You crossed your arms.

"Why would I want a girl who is so perfect in every way for the rest of my life. I don't know about the other guys but I would much rather spend my life with a girl who is more different every as I get to know her. Yes Teruhashi is pretty but that's it. I don't really know much about her, in fact I don't even know if any of her fanboys do." He chuckled.

Then he leaned in with your noses brushing. "But you on the other hand. I get to fall in love with you each and every day because I get to know more about you. Almost like putting a motorcycle together. Why would I want the new models if there is one perfectly there for me."

"Your just trying to distract me from knowing the fact that you stole a bike." You laughed.

He smirked. "Plus Teruhashi wears the same face everyday. You on the other hand always have different looks." He then leaned in more. "Especially when we're having our fun."

A heavy blush made its way to your cheeks as he kissed them. You both smiled at one another lovingly and leaned in to kiss.

However your embrace shortly ended.

"Ohhh (Y/N)-chan. Your here. Oh Aren, you didn't tell me your gorgeous girlfriend was coming. I would have made some food for her. Gosh Aren how did you land such a jackpot. Good gracious, we better go get her a ring." The woman gushed over you.

You looked away shyly but chuckled at Aren's tomatoe face.

She seemed to catch on the tension between you and gasped. "Oh was I-um you know what I think your father broke his track-nice ankle bracelet. Well birth control is in the-"

"Mom. Please leave now." Aren groaned and squeezed your waist while hiding his face in your chest.

The woman squealed and left.

The both of you laughed, but you soon tilted your head. "I didn't know your father wears ankle bracelets."

Aren scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yeeahh."

(A/N) hehehehe until next time peeps.

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