Chapter 10

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Paul looked down at the floor with an embarrassed smile, hair partially falling over his face.

God. He really is beautiful, John thought to himself, unable to tear his eyes away from those full, pink lips and those delicate long eyelashes. The boy could easily have been an angel. He felt almost unworthy to look at him.

No. John snapped out of his daydream, he had Paul at his mercy, right where he wanted him. He may be an angel, but also happens to be in my house, so I can observe him all I like.

John lifted his fingers and delicately traced them down Paul's features. But how he wished he could feel that soft skin underneath them, how he wanted to run his fingers through that silky hair.

Paul interrupted the silence. "What colour are your eyes, John?" Of course, Paul wouldn't know this. John was just a grey, translucent image. "Hazel, I think" he barely remembered anymore.

"But never mind my eyes, look at yourself!" Today, Paul was wearing a thin cotton shirt, unbuttoned just enough to display that sharp collarbone. "Go on. Take it off for Johnny boy." He gestured towards the shirt.

Paul grew impossibly redder before shaking his head, unable to think of a coherent response. John Reached down and ran his fingertips across that inviting chest with a smirk. "The things I would do to you princess." He whispered.

"Sixty fucking years with no touch and you turn up here expecting me to leave you be. Not with those sinful lips. I could mark you, leave bruises all over that milky neck. Get you... writhing beneath me." He spoke slowly, his voice dripping with lust.

"John, whatever you're doing, please stop I...I don't like boys." John gave a snort "Really? Because your little friend says otherwise."
Paul looked down and was mortified to discover he was partially hard, his tight trousers leaving little to the imagination. "Shit John I, I gotta go." With that, Paul scurried out of the room and practically fell down the stairs in his haste to get away.

I'm Looking Through You -Mclennon Where stories live. Discover now