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Salvatore finished up the work as soon as possible. Caroline was with Aryan but as the date of delivery approached Salvatore was tensed. He had read up and he knew the chances of things going south at this point was high. If he lost Aryan now or ever, he knew he will never be human again. Aryan brought out the humane part in him. And Aryan deserved to live the happiest life there is.

He got back home to see Aryan lounging on their newly built patio. He smiled seeing Salvatore and tried to get up. Salvatore rushed to him.

"Don't do that without someone there to help you, you know what doctor said," said Salvatore as he got Aryan around his waist. Aryan smiled and pressed his face to Salvatore's neck and then said.

"The pain has begun. The doctor says it will be some time before I will be ready," said Aryan.

Salvatore looked at him.

"What? Why was I not called?" asked Salvatore making Aryan sit back.

"I told him you won't be pleased," said Caroline coming out with packed bags.

They were soon on way to the hospital. Salvatore looked at Aryan as he laid him down on the stretcher.

He smiled at Salvatore.

"Don't look so spooked out," said Aryan.

Not bothering that his subordinates and others were watching, Salvatore bent down and kissed on his forehead.

"Just be alright okay," he said.

Aryan looked at his woe bear and nodded.


Salvatore sat there silently after that. It has been three hours. Finally, the pain started intensifying and the doctor called in Salvatore. Aryan was crying in pain and Salvatore got to him. Aryan saw Salvatore and extended his hand which he took and held on to, Aryan looked sweaty and Salvatore used the wipe in the side to wipe his face.

"It hurts a lot," said Aryan.

Salvatore looked at the doctors.

"Just get the kids out through C section," said Salvatore, fury lacing his words. He had told Caroline that a C section would be preferable and to convince the doctors. It seems Aryan's doctor's thought it would be unhealthy. Salvatore would have shot the woman if she had told him that in their last visit.

"We can't. He is perfectly healthy and this is just the labour pain. Don't worry about it," said the doctor.

Salvatore was going to say something and Aryan held his hand tighter and shook his head. Salvatore focussed on what he can do. He held Aryan and did not take his eyes off him. As Aryan's cries got louder, Salvatore felt so powerless. He wished he could take away the pain. He also decided that they were never having more babies. If they felt the need for more kids they would adopt. He was not going to see his Aryan in this much pain ever again.

He felt his hand being crushed as Aryan let out the loudest of cries. Salvatore felt his world went red. They knew that there was the possibility of having more than one baby as Aryan's stomach was big. However, since his stomach was comparatively small even during the early stages of pregnancy they couldn't be sure and Aryan refused to look at the scan. The doctors knew and since Aryan wanted it to be a surprise, Salvatore did not look at it either.

Salvatore looked at the blood covered baby in the doctor's arm and looked back at Aryan who was pushing again. Salvatore looked at the tummy and realised there was more to come.

The second cry was a bit tired and still, Salvatore looked at his second child and then looked at the doctors in askance. They were going in again and Salvatore looked at Aryan who laughed hysterically and then he was unconscious.

"Hey no, no. Salvatore, Aryan has to be awake, don't let him fall unconscious," said the doctor.

"Aryan it's okay, look at me, hey," Salvatore ran his hand through Aryan's hair and his cheek.

Aryan's eyes opened and he looked at Salvatore.

"I can't," said Aryan.

"Oh, you can, you are so brave and go on, it's done, its almost over," said Salvatore.

Aryan pushed and to be very honest Salvatore was ready to hold Aryan in his arms and never let go. He looked at their third kid and then looked at the doctors.

"How many kids are we having?" he asked finally scared for the first time in many years.

Before the doctors could answer, Aryan let out a cry and one after the other, they got their fourth and fifth kids.

Salvatore looked at Aryan on awe and his eyes were closed and tear-strewn. He looked so tired and Salvatore saw water droplets fall on Aryan's face. He looked up and then down and realised he was crying. He didn't know that he was crying. The last time he cried was when he was nine. He looked at Aryan again and kissed on his forehead.

"Mr Manzoni, we need to tend to him. He is bleeding a bit too much," said the doctors.

Salvatore was still in shock as he waited outside for the next two hours. Caroline and Jack stood on both his sides. Valentino and other guards were also around. Salvatore sat silently as they waited.

The nurses came out with small bundles in their arms.

Salvatore looked up and Caroline was smirking. She knew.

Salvatore was hesitant. They all looked so tiny. What if he crushed them!

"Aryan will kill you if you have not held the kids and made them feel at home yet. Man up," said Caroline and Salvatore nodded. He extended his hand and his oldest was placed in his arm and the tag read No1. His kids. He felt an immense rush of emotion in him, of protectiveness, care and if this is love, yes, he felt extreme love for the beings in his hand as he held each of them.

He almost laughed imagining how they were going to bring them up.

That thought sobered him up and he looked at the ICU door. What if Aryan does not survive? That thought alone killed Salvatore inch by inch.

Salvatore El Manzoni : Mafia Boss, Bodyguard, HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now