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Salvatore has no clue as to why he said that. Maybe he was indeed tired of living alone. He was not going to over analyse it and make himself go mad! He looked at Aryan who was looking at him still.

"You are not kidding?" asked Aryan

Salvatore shook his head.

"No, Aryan, but as I said, you better know what you are getting yourself into, because I don't live an easy life," said Salvatore.

Aryan snorted.

"I only have one demand from you, just one," said Aryan.

Salvatore raised his brow.

"Your fidelity," said Aryan.

Salvatore rolled his eyes.

"No Manzoni has ever cheated on their partner and Aryan if there is one thing you can expect from me and can be sure that you will have its fidelity. I will always be Fidel to you if we do get married and I expect the same back," said Salvatore.

Aryan looked down at him and said.

"You have me and my fidelity, Salvatore El Manzoni," said Aryan.

Salvatore looked at him.

"Take my phone, call Caroline and ask her to be here ASAP," said Salvatore.

Aryan nodded.


Caroline was on spot in fifteen minutes and she looked at Aryan in askance.

"How is he?" she asked.

"I am here if you forgot," said Salvatore.

"I know what your answer would be," said Caroline.

"Just a night on observation, to be sure," said Aryan.

Salvatore did not say anything.

Caroline looked between them.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"We are getting married," said Aryan.

Caroline gaped and looked at Salvatore to confirm it.
He did not say anything.

She turned and hugged Aryan.

"Welcome to the family, though you already are," said Caroline.


The wedding was a small affair. They exchanged vows, rings and beautiful chains. Aryan's cheek was red as he stood by Salvatore who had a stoic expression on his face. It has only been three days since Salvatore agreed and Aryan was surprised when it happened so quickly.

Salvatore would be staying in Aryan's room after the day.  When it was time to kiss, Salvatore looked at Aryan who looked at him and the man leaned down and kissed Aryan. Once that was done, they also did a few rituals according to how they were done in the place.

Salvatore did not speak much to anyone. And to be honest, there were only a handful of guests. They took Avanindra's blessings too.


Salvatore freshened up and changed. It had been a long day and the fact that he never expected it to happen in his life did not help. Aryan came in soon after. 

"Did they all leave?" asked Salvatore.

"Yes, One more minute and I would have ended up killing my uncle," scowled Aryan.

Salvatore snorted.

Aryan went off to freshen up and was back in a few minutes. Salvatore was still doing some work related to his export business.

Aryan sat down on the bed and looked at Salvatore who was way too engrossed in the work to look up.

"Am I going to have to sit and watch my husband stare at a monitor. Because that makes me feel inferior on so many levels. I think I have a sexy body," said Aryan.

Salvatore looked up.

Aryan was looking at him. 

"You are asking for it," said Salvatore as he kept the tab away and looked at Aryan who smirked.

Salvatore shook his head but pulled Aryan to him.

Aryan flushed a deep red when he was held in Salvatore's arms. 

They kissed. Aryan felt his back hit the bed and he felt his clothes leave his body as he blindly unbuttons Salvatore's shirt. 

He felt the man's skin. Salvatore groaned when he felt Aryan's hand on his nipples. Salvatore let go of Aryan's lip and kissed him down the neck. He felt the need deep with. Salvatore reached Aryan's nipples and sucked on them simultaneously and leaving harsh marks on the skin.

Aryan groaned. He felt Salvatore's hand between his legs. Aryan spread them and Salvatore looked at that delectable sight for a second. Aryan clutched Salvatore tight when he felt the first finger breach him. He was very tight even after Salvatore fucking him open that fateful night.

Aryan was hard as a rock and he was beyond aroused when finally Salvatore lined up his cock against his prepared hole. Salvatore entered Aryan in one firm thrust.

Aryan caught Salvatore off guard when he kissed him then. They were entwined in every sense of the word and Aryan's hand was leaving marks on Salvatore's back with every harsh thrust.

Salvatore wrapped Aryan's legs around his shoulders as he continued to thrust. He then took Aryan's cock in his hand and pumped it. Salvatore knew he was close.

And then Aryan came, spraying cum on both of them and his ass tightened around Salvatore's cock making him lose it. Salvatore came deep inside his husband.

They both came down from the high and Salvatore's face rested above Aryan's hair.  Salvatore moved his cock out and Aryan groaned but just looked at his man with a glare.

"Some warning would be nice," said Aryan.

Salvatore snorted.

"And you are still talking. We will work on that," said Salvatore.

Aryan playfully punched him in the arms.

Salvatore got up and went off to wash himself up a bit.

Aryan had a small smile on his face as he laid there. He dozed off when Salvatore came out. He looked at Aryan. He was not in love with the guy or anything. Hell, he did not know what love is. But some people were important to him. Aryan is one of those important people and he was willing to work with it.

He shook Aryan.

"You done? he asked as he sat up.

"Hmm, go on," said Salvatore.

Aryan did so.


Aryan came back to see the man asleep in clean sheets. He knew he was definitely falling for this guy, his husband, Salvatore El Manzoni.


Next morning, Salvatore woke first to find a body cuddled against him. Aryan liked cuddling and he has seen him sleep cuddling pillows a lot and sighed. He looked ar Aryan whose head rested on Salvatore's shoulder. Aryan's hair fell on his face and he looked like a happy cat. 


Salvatore still worked on Aryan's security. They were yet to inform Aryan of Avanindra's health. Salvatore dressed for work when Aryan walked in ready for office. He had gotten ready when Salvatore had been in the bath.

Aryan smirked as he stood near Salvatore.

"Why did you agree to marry me?" asked Aryan as he sat on their bed.

Salvatore's expression was neutral. 

"Does it matter? You wanted us to get married, didn't you?" asked Salvatore.


Salvatore El Manzoni : Mafia Boss, Bodyguard, HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now