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WILLA HADN'T BEEN to the Twins since she had left with Catelyn Stark

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WILLA HADN'T BEEN to the Twins since she had left with Catelyn Stark. The Starks had saved her, given her a sense of family that Willa hadn't experienced since her mother was alive. Her mother wanted her to get away from the Twins, to get away from her father, and Willa had done both. Now she was returning to the very place that she had escaped from.

She was going home.

Cersei Lannister was a very smart woman, Willa respected that. Had Cersei's main priorities been the good of the realm rather than herself and her family's selfish ambition, then she would have made a much better queen.

She didn't have a real idea where she was going, only hoping to get out of the North before she stopped to ask for any directions. Though she fears she had underestimated her riding ability. She had only been riding for hours and she could feel not only herself, but her horse growing fatigue.

Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe she should return home.

But then what? She'd tell Robb she'd ran away, plotting to fix her problems herself? He'd be furious, as would her brother. Willa had created this issue, and now she had to deal with it.

In order to gather her thoughts, Willa decided to stop and stay at an inn. She made sure to keep her cloak up at all time, concealing her identity, as well as dirtying up her dress. When she approached the inn keeper, he didn't as much spare her a second glance.

"What do you need?" he asked, his voice rough.

"A meal? And maybe a room," Willa told him. He glanced up at her, the corner of his mouth curled in a nasty snarl.

"Can you pay for that?"

"Would I ask if I couldn't?" Willa responded sharply. The man simply smiled and pointed to an empty table.

"Take a seat. Hope you like chicken cause it's all we got."

Willa did as he told and glanced around the inn. Nothing seemed to out of the ordinary, except for a table in the back. There was a man that Willa thought looked oddly like the Kingslayer. Their conversations had been few and little, but she knew his face and to her surprise, he was alone.

She was unsure what possessed her, but Willa made her way to the table, taking the seat across from Jaime Lannister. He barely seemed to notice her as he was downing what Willa thought to be his ninth or tenth tankard of ale.

"Jaime Lannister," Willa said, gaining his attention. He looked at her and a small smile came upon his face.

"Willa Frey, or is it Willa Stark now?" Jaime asked, "Ravens seem to be flying much slower nowadays."

"The speed of ravens doesn't matter when you aren't there to receive them. What are you doing so far north?" Willa wondered.

"I could ask what you're doing so far south? The Queen of the North is getting dangerously close to the border of the Riverlands. Wouldn't have anything to do with that sister of yours, would it?"

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