Author's Note

660 14 8

It's over! The story has ended.
This was my first ever story on Wattpad and I have to say:

You can definitely expect more stories from me.

Writing has always been an escape for me.  I don't like sharing my work because the fear of being judged just terrifies me.
All these insecurities pile up and it leaves me feeling so drained, at times.

The fear still remains and if I'm being honest, while writing this story....I considered deleting it.
But I'm glad I diminished the thought and decided to hush the voices inside.

Yes, the same voices that bother Willow.
The idea of 'the voices' is actually one I chose from my own life.

But anyway, thank you so much for sticking around and making it to the end of this book.
You have no idea how much I appreciate you just taking out time from your day to read my book. It means a lot.  Thank you.

As always:
Thanks for reading,

Chubby ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt