Clever One

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The sun shines on my face, the next morning when I wake up and I squint my eyes as I shield my eyes with my hands and slowly roll over onto my left side with my eyes closed.

A second later, my eyes snap wide open and I find none other than Theodore sitting on the floor, elbows on the bed with his arms supporting his head as he stares at me, "Good morning," he whispers softly.

I get up and sit into a sitting position and run a hand through my hair, noticing some strands in the palm of my hand. Not eating, takes a toll on your hair.

"What're you doing here?" I ask Theodore as I rub my eyes to try and get any remaining sleep out.

"I came here to tell you that today, we are going out to eat," he gets up from the floor and walks to the edge of the bed where I'm seated and bends down on his knees, grabbing my hands and removing them away from my eyes.
I avoid eye contact and instead look at his hands holding mine, wondering why he's here. Not that I'm complaining but I have to know.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him and remove my hands from his.

He sits down properly and sighs, "I missed you, Willow."

I get up from the bed as I braid my hair to the side and start making the bed while I speak, "I appreciate your offer but I can't go out today. I have school work and I also have a test that i have zero preparation for."

When I'm done making the bed, I look at him and find him looking at me with his head tilted to the side. I shrug my shoulders and send a short, fake smile his way which he notices. I can tell he does because his eyes turn cold and he glares at me, "You're lying. You don't have any homework plans for today."

I cross my arms across my chest and raise an eyebrow, "And how can you be so sure?"

He scoffs and smiles a little, "I'm sure because I know you. You're Willow. You always do your homework on Sunday, never on Saturday. You'll get up super early on Sunday and then start your day by doing homework and stop at night, before dinner."

He remembers.

I avoid eye contact once again and limp slightly to the bathroom, closing the door just before I hear him ask, "Willow?"

Sorry, but I need to brush my teeth and shower.

When I'm all done and clean, I walk out of the bathroom relieved at the though of Theodore gone during the time I was in the bathroom. I could fake all emotions with Natalie and Josh and Casper but with Theodore, I can't hide away anything because he always sees through the pathetic facade of mine.

I stop in my tracks when I see Theodore lounging in my bed as he plays with my rubix cube. He stops and gets up, supporting himself on his elbows and gazes at me with no emotion on his face.
He's angry. Emotionless Theodore is very scary.

I ignore his blatant staring and walk over to the mirror, tugging a brush through my hair and cringing slightly at the extra hair i see in my brush. I hastily put my brush away and apply Vaseline on my lips, without looking at myself in the mirror. It's always become a habit.

When I turn around, I almost scream as I come face to face with Theodore. He looks into my eyes and grips my arms. "You're limping. Why?"
I push his arms down and scoff, "Theodore, let's skip the ignorance. I think you know why. I am not having this conversation again."

I walk past him and yelp out in surprise when I'm lifted off of the floor and am now being carried to the bed. He sets my down very carefully and kneels before me as he gazes at me with now, melted and tender eyes.
"You're right. I'm sorry."

I shake my head and try to smile to clear the awkward tension flooding the room. I open my mouth to speak but stop when I notice him caressing my ankle where it's been twisted.
He smiles softly at me when he notices me looking at him.


A knock is heard, and I frown as I put the pencil between the open chemistry textbook.
"Come on in," I sag a little loudly and the door immediately opens, revealing Theodore smiling widely with his hands now behind his back. He looks like he's been caught doing something naughty and the thought makes me weary.

What does he want?

I squint my eyes at him and his smug smile grows even more smug as he slowly steps into the room.
"How are you, Willow?"

"Um. I'm good?" I say as I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

He nods his head as he looks around my room.
It's silent for a little while and I notice he has no intentions of saying something so I take it upon myself to try,
"You needed something?" I trail off , expecting him to answer and his head snaps toward me, as if realizing that he is standing in my room.
His eyes widen and he nods his head,
"Since you refused to have lunch outside," he emphasizes the outside. "I've decided to make something at home!" When he finishes speaking, he claps his hands together and grins so wide it makes me wonder how the hell his cheeks don't hurt.
I awkwardly stare at him and he stares back expectantly.

He's a clever one.
He decided to make something at home so I couldn't get out of it.

I sigh and nod my head reluctantly.
"Okay, what time are you serving your dinner?"

Without a second's delay he responds, "8 o'clock would be an appropriate time for you to join us for dinner."

Wow. So formal.

"Us?" I ask him, feeling better it won't be just us for dinner.

He nods his head as if it was obvious and then winks, "What? You thought I know how to cook everything? Of course not. Natalie is helping and Casper is tasting everything."

He doesn't wait for me to respond and darts out the door, closing it softly behind him.
I laugh lightly and get back to my homework.

I'm so sorry for the delayed update but school has been really hectic lately. And I've been sick as well.
I really am trying my best.
Thanks for reading,
Teddy 🐾

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