Chapter 9: Body Shopping

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“I thought I asked you to bring (Y/n) out here…” Law growled noticing his crew stepped upon the outside platform of the submarine with their hands barren with only scars to be seen.

“She… She’s sleeping,” Shachi awkwardly pointed out afraid that his Captain will gut him for not fulfilling his orders

“She’s been sleeping an awful lot lately,” Law hummed, resting up against a wall with a hand to hold his chin. Penguin and Shachi gave each other mutual glances as they did not expect such a calm and collected response. “I suppose her time limit is about to expire, it only makes sense.”

“Time limit?” Penguin and Shachi tilted their heads in confusion towards their Captain.

Bepo perked up from what was once a heavy slumber. Just the mention of your name got the polar bear exploding with joy. “That means (Y/n) is about to die!” Bepo shouts out expecting praise.

“D-Die!?” Shachi coughed.

“Why are you so happy about that? We actually like a woman on the crew!” Penguin retaliates.

“Calm yourselves,” Law glared at his crew, a vein popping out of his forehead. No doubt he were stressed. “T’is true that (Y/n)-ya is close to dying. It’s all cause her heart is worn out no thanks to a surgery the World Gov conducted before I intervened. It only means I need to replace her heart with another’s temporarily until I can figure out how to reverse the effects of the surgery,” how to get said heart will prove to be a problem. It sounds like it’s about time to dock on an island once again, maybe even attack another ship and steal one.

“When do you think you’ll be able to reverse said surgery?” Shachi hummed.

“Not for a few months,” Law regrets to admit. “I have to replace her heart every month. Every time I replace the heart I’ll take a look into the changes done to (Y/n)’s body and change things as needed.”

“Sounds like trial and error…” Penguin points out.

“It is,” Law glared at the man once again. “Follow the log pose… We’re going to land.”

“Don’t you worry that you could accidentally kill her?” Shachi points out a fact of his own.

“I worry about her mental and physical health everyday…” Law’s mind no doubtedly clouded to the variety of problems you were developing by the day besides those that have been lingering for a long while now such as your heart condition not to forget your next to useless pair of legs.

Those legs… There’s no saving them. Law has looked you over more times than he can count and the muscles in your legs were nonexistent which was peculiar more than anything the Surgeon has seen over his many years. Law has first hand seen crash and burn victims bounce back faster than you have. Even one component of that surgery the Government conducted on you raised your heart and blood rate to such an exponential rate to decrease recovery time when injuries were taken on. Yet… Your legs weren’t recovering any mass. How will he break the news to you?

At that moment, Shachi and Penguin knew they lost their Captain to the dark reaches of his own mind.


Luckily all three of the white and red steel needles on the log pose directed towards perfectly safe islands. Not one of the needles shook or twitched within their glass bulbs. Was it fate? In Law’s perfectly calculated mind, it were all perfectly coincidental for the problem at hand. You awoke in time to join in on the island shopping quest.

“Are you sure I can come along?” You asked timidly. Your palms began to grow all clammy before you rubbed them off upon your shirt.

“Why wouldn’t you be able to Kessho?” Law casually asked, slipping his leopard print hat atop his head of black before fixing it out for maximum comfort.

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