18 - Betrayal?

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"I-I want to take it"Paris stuttered as my eyes widen at his response.

He'll do it.

Paris said he'll take the injection. I can't believe he said yes. I would've been fine if he chose not to do it because all I want is for him to feel comfortable. I love my little wolf with all my heart and there's nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for him.

"Aww that's cute, Now Ben I was hoping me and you...know co-" Zero cooed but stop as he was asking Benny something.

"No, sorry Zero But I actually have to finish this experiment I've been working on and trust me It's gonna-"Benny rambled on as Zero pulled him in to kiss arms sealing his lips with his.

"Stop making up excuses, It's not like I'm gonna fuck you tonight, well not right now"Zero huffed.

"Daddy?" Paris whispered ripping me out my thoughts. "Little Wolf, be careful" I warned embracing him into my arms. " I know, I know, it makes you horny" He chuckles tightening his arms around me.

"I love you" I expressed burying my nose into his neck taking in his peachy scent. "I love you too" he smiles.

"Dom when are we having our wedding?" he asked. "Next week," I said. "What?! How did you ever planned a wedding so quick?" he gasped pulling back.

"Let's talk about this in private with everyone ok?" I explained taking his hand in mine. Paris just simply nodded in response as I kiss the back of his hand before looking at Zero and Ben.

"Ben, Me, Paris, and Zero are now going to leave," I said looking at Zero whose arm is completely wrapped around Benny who also is trying to get out of his grip. Zero glared at me before sighing and letting dear Ben go.

Zero, Me and Little wolf turn our backs to walk out when Ben shouted out something.

"Oh! Paris I will come over to the estate tomorrow to run some test and you know, prepare your body for the injection" He says as Paris nodded and we all left the lab.

After we all left the building as we got into the van the twins and Seven we're playing rock papers scissors with each other. Haha, children.

Once we drove I couldn't have shaken off this feeling of being watched, I could tell Thomas felt it too as he was staring directly into the rearview mirror in the van while driving. Hm, what a show-off.

" Thomas, drive slowly " I ordered causing everyone to look at me confused. Looking in the mirror of the car I see a black van similar as ours slow down at the same pace as ours. Huh, amateurs. "Thomas," I said as the van came to a complete stop and so did the one following us did. "Dylan, Mason" I ordered as both of their eyes flashed excitement since it's been a while since they got action.

"I had a long ass nap and what a good exercise to start the day with killing a few people" Dylan says pulling out the two guns he always carries. " Can I keep one alive so that I could torture him to keep myself entertain?" Mason question pulling out his two daggers which he both named. Beheaded and Throat Slicer, Yes I know, he's a bit mental.

" No, but get information to who told them where we are" I ordered. "That sucks that means I just have to kill them slowly," Mason said with a wickedly grin on his face. " I can't believe you're attracted to that" I learned over whispering to Seven who's biting his lip while staring at Mason with turned on expression. "I don't judge you and you don't judge me," He says still staring at Mason.

"Dom! what's happening ?" Paris asked. " Little Wolf, watch this," I say as I nod at the twins giving them permission to advance towards the van.

The twins slowly made their way to the van which a couple of men advance out of. The men out of the van began shooting as the twins continue to approach them. " DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!" one of the men shouted who was quickly shut up as Dylan shot him in the head. Dylan continues invading on the rest of the men, shooting them down one by one. As Mason, on the other hand, was dodging the bullets like they were nothing. Once he was close enough to the man who was now out of bullets, Mason grabs his head holding it with a tight skull crushing grip before getting his trusty dagger and slits the man's throat. "Uh, your blood is so dull" Mason huffed throwing the man lifeless body to the side. I look over to Paris whose eyes widen in the shock as this is the first time he's ever seen the twins in killing mode. I, on the other hand, not so much since I'm used too this.

"Brother, must you always be so creepy," Dylan asked shooting the man in his legs causing him to scream. Mason ignored Dylan as he looks over to his side, smiling as he sees a man hopelessly trying to reload his gun but can't because he's to frighten by Mason. "You," Mason said putting his daggers away as he grabs the man arm bending it in a totally different and painfully way.

"Why are you so frightened? When I'm just gonna let you meet my friend," Mason said to the man bringing out his favorite dagger throat slicer. "The man screamed as he tries to break out of Mason's arms. "This is my great friend, Throat Slicer," Mason said pressing the dagger against his neck.

"Do you want to see his trick?" Mason asked the crying man in his arms as Dylan was still killing men, shooting them down.

"P-Please I'm sor-" The man cried but couldn't finish as Mason slice his throat open causing blood to sprout out. "Uh begging such a boring method," Mason said disposing of the man's lifeless body.

"Oh, Brother, you're going to slow" Dylan teased causing Mason to growl. " Shut up" he hissed walking on to his next victim.



After the massacre of Dylan and Mason, they were both drenched in blood especially Mason. " You ok little wolf ?" I asked. "Yeah, but remind me never to get on Mason bad side" Paris chuckled but somehow I had a feeling that he's not alright, so I pulled him over just so I could embrace him in my arms. "It's okay, I'll kill Mason before he could even kill you, " I say as Paris body relaxed and his laugh erupts through the van.




Once we're home Dylan and Mason took a bath before we all met in my office.

" First thing is first, Me and Paris wedding is next week and the reason I need this to go so fast is that our enemies are plaguing against us" I explained as everyone nodded their heads.

"Is a lot of people going to be there?" Paris asked sensing the nervousness in his voice I quickly lay my hands in his. "No, only family" I answered kissing the back of his hand. "Thomas, I need you to build up security since your in charge of that part" I stated. "Yes, sir" he responded. "Cut the formal shit," I said getting annoyed at him. "Whatever, Dom," He says rolling his eyes before sighing.

"Mason?" I asked as his head raised up smiling as though he's remembering the events what happened earlier. "All it took was for me to cut off a finger to tell me who sent them here, what a pussy"Mason chuckled. "Mason" I warned letting my dominance flow throw me causing him to shut up.

"Travis..." he said as everyone in the room gasped. My hands tighten around Paris's hands as my mind run wild on every possible way of torturing him. Of course! I should've known, he's been gone for 2 years and suddenly showed u out of nowhere. 

"Ok, Coletti brothers, I want you to find him and bring him to me," I said holding back my rage.

"Yes, sir" they answered in unison. "Dylan I want you to tell my dad," I said as his expression changed to fear.

"No. Fucking. Way. "He shakes his head as everyone looks at him as if he's out of his mind. " What? did I heard that right?" I asked. " Oh, My bad I just got yes and no mixed up" he reassured.

"Good," I said. "Everyone leave that's it for now," I said. Everyone left except Paris, of course.

"Are you okay? I heard you and Travis were great friends" Paris asks wrapping his arms around me. "I should have known! Of course, it's him!" I bellowed. "D-Dom" Paris called out.

"He was suddenly gone for years and came back out of nowhere!" I growled running my hands through my hair.

"Dominic!" Paris yelled ripping me out of my rage. "It's okay," He says pulling me closer.

"It's okay too feel hurt" Paris comforted.


Sorry, that I couldn't update yesterday, I just wasn't feeling it :(

But, I hope this chapter was good enough for you :)

Sorry about the errors. Please don't forget to vote and comment.


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