Chapter 17

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(this part will contain switches between first and third P.O.V.)

The loud noise of a curt alarm beeping was followed with overall cell openings. Inmates finally got a chance to exit their small space and see a light of the day, unlike the light that was provided by the electricity within the prison. The guards were standing every few feet by the convicts, making sure no one had the guts to try anything that would prolong their sentence or get them earned a significant beat up.

The yard started to fill out with numerous prisoners wearing their usual orange jumpsuit or undershirt in exchange. One particular inmate took one side of the bleachers and composed himself. Filling the lungs with fresh air, he relaxed and scanned the scene around him. Almost everyone had someone to be with - the larger groups would cuss out each other or maybe even push around until one of the guards didn't hit the metal fence with a black baton. They'd scatter away but remain to exchange death glares. Other ones would play basketball in the small area which wasn't covered with grass, unlike the loners who were walking around, keeping their head down and minding their own business, whilst also holding onto the hope of not getting involved with anyone.

It had passed a few minutes and the fight on the other side of the yard escalated. Andrei thought it wouldn't come to it that quickly but you never really know when it comes to prison. As he watched armed guards stepping in and separating everyone, he felt the presence to his left side but had no intention of sparing the person a look.

''Surprise it wasn't you this time.'' Said a rough male voice on the side, implying it wasn't Andrei that started harming someone else like he usually does.

''It might be if you don't back the hell up.''

The man chuckled but remained on his position, ''I come in peace, I swear. You'd know that if you turned around and look at me.''

Mentally rolling his eyes, he decided to comply and rotated his head to the left. It was no one other than Roy Banks, one of the persons Andrei absolutely loathed. He had no exact reason as to why he couldn't stand him but there was something about Roy that wasn't acceptable in Andrei's mind. Perhaps the way he acted as if he was untouchable - the king, even. But all he had were his companions, who were now nowhere near his sight. Which was more than strange.

''You better make this worthwhile, unless you want me to cause another scene.''

''Now, now...'' Roy began, as he lowered himself a bit more, as well as lowering the tone of his voice, ''let's be civil for a moment. All I need is a little bit of your help and we can both go back to never looking at each other.''

''And why the fuck do you think I'll help you, mudak? Fuck off before I-''

''The psychologist. I heard you're giving her regular visits, and I really care less why you do, but she holds some information about certain someone I find interest in. As you can assume, I need you to be the one who gets the information for me.''

Andrei glared at him, ready to attack him on the spot, ''Are you fucking deaf? What part of I don't give a shit about you nor am I going to help your sorry ass is not clear enough for you? Huh?''

Roy returned the glare, ''You get me what I want and I'll be owing you one. How does that sound to you?''

The angry convict was inches away from Roy's face, fuming, ''Sounds like a bunch of crap I'm not buying. You said it yourself, it's the information you need. If that's the case, go there yourself and fucking do it on your own.''

''For all I know, you're between her legs every fucking day so I don't see a reason why's that so hard for you.''

''Leave.'' Andrei gritted out through his teeth.

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