Chapter 4

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While the rain was pouring its soul outside, leaving heavy droplets of water against the panes, I was comfortably seated on the beige couch in my living room. My body was warmed up underneath the fluffy orange blanket, whilst my hazel eyes were firmly fixed on the plasma TV in front of me. It was one of those Saturday lazy nights where I had nothing else to do but to watch a movie and eat junk food. I've never been a huge fan of unhealthy food (I think it had more with my childhood than the taste itself) so I usually replace snacks with the bowl of fruit salad.

If someone was sitting right beside me, they'd roll their eyes.

Hearing the light buzz of my cell phone that was laying on top of the small coffee table, I turned the volume down and picked the device up. Staring at the screen, I became more familiar with the identity of the caller because the person who was behind it was no other than my dear aunt Lorie.

''Hey, aunty.'' I answer the call.

''Hey, kiddo.'' Tiredness was so hearable in her voice, it made me emphasize, ''How've you been?''

''Good, actually. I forgot to tell you I got myself a new job.''

She perked up at that, ''Oh, honey, that's great! I'm so happy for you. Dear God, you'd been searching for it for so long now. Where, though? Is it at the new hospital?''

There was no point in lying. I knew I had to tell her the truth, whether she liked it or not, ''Uh... not exactly. I'm not working with the kids.''

''You're not?'' She sounded surprised, I realized.

''No. I'm working in a prison.''

The only audible thing in the very first moments was silence. Complete and utter silence. I did expect that sort of reaction from her, but I thought it'd be tons of yelling and seeking for reasons as to why was I crazy enough to take such job.

She laughed, though, ''Not that I don't like your sarcasm, but you almost got me there.''

I, then, figured out that she thought I had been joking. Why would I? She knew how important finding a job for me is. Then again maybe she didn't like the sound of the truth so she made a perception in her head that it was all a joke.

''I'm serious, aunty. I got the job at the Riverscope Prison. They e-mailed me almost two weeks ago and I've been working there ever since.''

''What?!'' The reaction I had been seeking for was finally shown, ''What are you talking about? Mia, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? I get it that, as a psychologist, your job is to help people, but didn't you tell me you want to work with kids and teenagers only?''

''I did, but I needed a job, Lorie. There are bills and food I have to pay for and I can't always ask you for the money. I know what you're going to say and yes, I'm aware of the fact that you will always be there for me, no matter what situation I'm in, but you have to understand me as well. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and it's my responsibility to go to work and pay my own bills. You know how much I appreciate your help but I'm fine with what I'm doing and they wouldn't hire people if they think such thing could be risky.''

I heard her sigh and I was hoping she was giving in, ''I get it, Mia, and I'm so proud of you for being a mature adult, even though you had to already become one in such early age. But don't you think it's too risky? I mean, you meet up with the criminals who can do God knows what! Haven't you watched the movies? All of that stuff they get from the outside? The knives, the guns, and other weapons? I don't want you to get hurt!''

''And I won't.'' I assured her, ''You've watched too many movies, it seems. Trust me if I thought I'd jeopardize my safety, I wouldn't have accepted the job. But I'm working there and yes, it can be a little difficult with some patients at times, but I don't mind it. It's part of my job and it can only help me in the future. Don't you agree?''

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