Taehyung's Knight and Shining Armor

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A/N: instead of working on my college essay I sit here and write this instead. Anyways not many of you commented on ya'lls nickname but there is still time to get ideas in. Without further ado another short chapter.

Taehyung had safely made it to his desk.

The alpha jerks had made their way to his desk and all surrounded him. Before any word could slip out their mouth the teacher walked in and urged them to sit.

They all looked at Taehyung mouthing out that it wasn't over. This made Taehyung feel a little uneasy and shift in his seat.

Throughout the whole class time he felt the cold glare of one of the alphas. He could also feel the alpha pheromones they were releasing causing his wolf to whimper in submission.

Finally after a long and boring lecture the bell rang signaling kids to move to their next class.

The teacher walked out muttering stuff about how she can't stand the class.

As Taehyung got up the alphas approached him.

"Hey baby," one of them said.

Taehyung didn't respond and continued to stuff his notebooks in his backpack. Before he could even finish one of them grabbed the bag and threw it across the room.

"I was talking to you. And when I talk to you, you respond. Got it!"

The tallest one said stepping closer and closer.

Taehyung felt the panic take over his body. He tried running out but they all blocked the exit.

"You're not going anywhere. Not until I get what I want," the tallest said getting a hold of Taehyung and shoving him against the wall.

"Now do you prefer punches or kisses?" He asked.

Taehyung started shaking trying to think of a way to get out.

"Pl-please don't hurt me," he begged as the guy kept getting closer.

"Come on princess, I'm getting impatient."

Just as he was about to hit Taehyung the door burst open.

"Get away from him mutt."

"Yoongi hyung!"

Yoongi approached the two while the others just stood there.

They knew of Min Yoongi, and they knew not to mess with him.

The alpha let go of Taehyung, "who are you? His boyfriend."

Yoongi didn't respond just kept walking closer with a deadly glare set on him.

Taehyung knew that look, it was dangerous.

Finally Yoongi stood in front of the taller male, who scoffed.

"What's a tiny fella like you going to do to me."

Oh boy was that the wrong thing to say.

Before he knew it Yoongi landed a punch on his jaw, shifting it out of place and having the other alpha stumble to the floor.

"Don't mess with him ever again or else you'll be getting more than a punch."

The guy didn't say anything just laid there holding his jaw which was in deep pain.

"Are you okay Taebaby?"

Taehyung just ran to him and embraced him. "I am now Yoongibear," he muttered into Yoongi's neck.

They both let go and walked out of the room as the others ran to their friend to see how bad the damage was.

Taehyung walked with Yoongi in the hallways. The late bell having already rung long before.

"Let's go to the roof, no point in going to class now."

Taehyung meekly nodded his head as the turned into another corridor heading to the stairs that lead up to the roof.

A/N: I know this is super short, but like I hope you enjoy it. The next few chapters will be longer but will take a bit since I'll be working. Anyways I purple you all!!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

And happy birthday to our acute angle Park Jimin.

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•Yours Truly•

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•Yours Truly•

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