The Mall and Confessions

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A/N: So who missed me? Sorry I was gone for so long, but finally I'm out of school for like the next 2 months. Which means more time to write and more updates. Also I've been looking for jobs and I don't have a ride so my options are very very limited. Anyways enough about my life enjoy the chapter and see you at the end.

Jimin decided to go to the mall and after for some ice cream. All of them approved of the idea, so they all went to their own homes, except Jimin, to change and then meet up.

After Yoongi and Jungkook left it was just Taehyung and Jimin.

"So I know you and Yoongi were doing your regularly scheduled sleepover, but why was Kook here?" Jimin asked.

"The storm got pretty bad last night and he said he was nearby so he came by and asked if he could stay." Taehyung said in response.

Jimin simply nodded. "Taehyungie I have something to tell you," Jimin said his voice serious and low.

Taehyung sat down on the couch next to Jimin and grabbed his hands in a comforting way. He knew his best friend, this was something important.

"Go ahead Chimchim tell me," he spoke in a soft manner.

"Tae, I want to tell you that...I like...I like Yoongi hyung," now to say Taehyung was taken aback was an understatement. He felt stupefied.

He sort of just sat there processing the words. "Wow Jimin, just wow. Since when?"

"Its been a while, I think it was that one time where I found him playing the piano in the school music room after school hours.

He looked so serene, and it was like it was just made for him you know. After that day I just found myself watching him and paying close attention to everything he did and my feelings just blossomed. Don't get me started on his gummy smile. It's so rare to see it, but when I do I just want to capture the beauty of it and just stare at it forever you know."

As Taehyung heard Jimin ramble on he saw his eyes glaze over and sparkled with such felicity as he talked about Yoongi. And his smile was brighter and bigger than ever.

"Wow Chim, you got it bad. Actually, no, you're whipped," he said as he playfully nudged his best friend.

The smile Jimin wore a few seconds ago was now replaced by a scowl. Taehyung noticed the change in his mood.

"What's wrong?"

"It'll never happen, because Yoongi likes you."

Taehyung just stared at Jimin before bursting into laughter. He started wheezing and clutching his stomach. After about a minute of laughing he Taehyung stopped and regained his breath.

"Jimin, Yoongi doesn't like me, how did you come to that conclusion?"

"I can tell by the way he looks at you and protects you and takes care of you, he-"

"Has he told you he likes me?" Taehyung interrupted.

Jimin shook his head no.

"Exactly, and the only reason he is like that to me is because he sees me as younger brother nothing else. You may see him staring at me, but when you're not looking he stares at you like you're the most precious thing in the world."

Jimin stared at his hands that kept fidgeting around.  "Really?" He looked up with hope glimmering in his eyes.

"Yes I'm sure," Taehyung said with a sincere smile and a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

Wrong Omega, Wrong Mate (TAEKOOK)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя