Part 22

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Your POV

"Y/N! Wake up!"

Someone shook me while I was sleeping and I tried to open my eyes.

"Huh? What year is it?"

I looked at the person standing next to me.

"Get up! Hurry!" He was agitated and pulled me up.

"What the- What's happening, Namjoon?"

I fumbled with my clothes when he threw them at me and he quickly turned around to let me get changed.

"We're being attacked. It was an ambush. We're leaving through the back door now, so hurry and gather your valuables."

He was panicking as he collected my belongings.

He dropped a flower patterned vase during the process and shattered it. It was a birthday present from Jungkook.

"Be careful, Namjoon! That one was from Jungkook!" I ran towards the broken pieces and picked them up.

He scoffed. "Jungkook?"

I looked up at him.

He looked disgusted.

"He's the one attacking us, along with his minions!"

"What? What are you-"

"He murdered hundreds of our people!" He yelled at me. "He murdered your parents."

I stopped.

I was frozen on my spot.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"If we don't get out of here now, he might even kill you!"


It can't be true...

Tears started to fall from my eyes. My surroundings became blurry and I dropped to my knees.

"No... Please tell me it's not true..." I whispered in hoarse voice.

My chest tightened and I struggled to breathe. My head became heavier than ever.

He squatted down and held my face. "I'm sorry, Y/N. He's not the sweet and kind person we used to know now. We must leave immediately!"

He wiped my tears and pulled me up on my feet.

I couldn't think properly.

"Wait! What about Elle?"

He held my hand and ran out of the room.

"He captured her. It's only a matter of time for him to reach this side of the castle," he huffed as we dashed through the hallway.

He captured her?

What will he do to her?

She didn't have anything to do in this mess...

"He wouldn't kill her, would he?" I mumbled under my breath. "Why is he doing this anyway?"

"Because our king and queen pushed them to the edge and never pulled them back. His parents may have passed away because of that," Joon stated and kept running down the stairs with his hand clutching mine. "Otherwise, he would never in a million years commit such a sin. That's the only logical reason to why he's doing this..."


Is that what he's after?

He's attacking us because he thinks it's our fault?

We arrived at the exit and was about to open it when someone else pushed it from the other side. We came face to face with Jungkook.


"Jeon Jungkook! What did you do to Elle?!"

The sound of the chains echoed through the cell as I ran to the door and struggled to reach him.

"Should you be worrying about another person? Take a good look at your own situation."

His face was void of any emotion.

It felt as if I was looking at someone else.

He was... gone...

I couldn't find a single trace of the person I once fell in love with.

"Kookie, why are you doing this?" I whimpered. "Tell me you didn't kill them. Please... I beg you..."

"I'm so sorry this whole situation turned out this way, but I could never forgive you or your parents for what you did to us," his voice, so distant and cold, pierced through my very being.

I dropped to the floor.

It was true...

I cried and cried, continuously rubbing my eyes, hoping that all of it was just a dream.

I couldn't bring myself to believe any of it. But it really happened and the past cannot be changed no matter how desperately I wanted it to.

It felt as if my life, my heart was brutally ripped from me.

I couldn't believe the person whom I considered the love of my life would even think about doing such a thing.

I wanted to escape.

I wanted to forget everything... as if they never even happened.

I began to have trouble breathing again and I suddenly blacked out.

A/N: The end

of flashbacks. So now we'll be going back to the present 🎁.

Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter 💘

Feel free to tell me how this story is going so far 🙈 👀

Feel free to tell me how this story is going so far 🙈 👀

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