Part 2

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I followed behind Lady Anne who showed me around the castle and introduced me to my new colleagues. She was in charge of every maid and butler inside the castle.

Ironically, even though I couldn't remember a single event from my past, I memorized every room and detail of this castle, jotting them down inside my brain.

I wanted to be of help as much as possible.

Lady Anne explained my situation to the maids and butlers, and they all seemed to either exclaim or gasp.

I bowed down and greeted them all with a smile, "Nice to meet you all, I look forward to working with you all. Please treat me kindly and help me when I'm troubled."

"Of course"

"Nice to meet you too"

"You're so pretty..."

"Let's work well, fighting!"

They all supported me, giving me encouraging words. I couldn't be any happier that they were willing to work with me despite knowing that I practically knew nothing about housekeeping or cooking. Still, I was willing to try.

There were like almost twenty of them, and I began to worry about what part I would play in this castle.

When I asked the prince to grant me this job, he told me that I didn't have to do anything and that there was actually no need for another maid, but here we are.

I can't back off now. I must pay him back for saving me.

"So what do we call you?" A red haired boy who seemed to be around my age asked me. He was quite the looker, charming and attractive.

I tried to remember my real name, but nothing came. So I decided that I should make up a new name.

A flash of purple hyacinth flowers being gifted to me ran through my vision. The first fragment of my memory. Purple...

"Violet," I stated.

"That's a nice name for someone so pretty," he smiled. "I'm Jimin."

I blushed, "Nice to meet you."

He winked at me while the others groaned and sighed. I guess he does that with everyone?

"Amy," Lady Anne called out. The mentioned girl stepped forward and bowed. "Show Violet her new room and give her new maid outfits."

"Yes, my Lady"

Lady Anne then turned towards me, handing me a paper full of schedules and a list of chores, "This includes all the duties that are assigned to you. You may start working tomorrow morning."

I thanked her and followed Amy into the hallway. We walked a long way in silence.

"Here is your bedroom," Amy showed me a huge room with beige colored furnitures and a double sized bed. "I'll be back with your clothes."

I stepped inside looking around. The interior was not too fancy, but not too plain. It was just right.

After a while, Amy came back and handed me a black and white maid outfit. "Thank you," I whispered, not very comfortable with how she was looking at me.

She turned on her heels and left the room. I didn't think she was much pleased about having me around.

I sighed.

It was nighttime already, so I washed up and prepared for bed.

There was a knock on the door.

I opened it to find the castle's doctor. He was here to change my bandages and check up on me.

"So, did you remember anything today? Even the slightest sound, smell or vision could be crucial to your condition," he said while wrapping a new bandage around my head.

I recalled the flowers. "I remembered holding purple hyacinths in my hands," I looked at him confused. "And I felt... sad."

He stared at me with wide eyes. "Purple hyacinths?"

I nodded.

"My wife plants all types of flowers in our garden and she would always tell me each of their meanings," he finished bandaging my wound. "She said purple hyacinths represented sorrow and asking for forgiveness."

I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

"You may have been traumatized by something that caused you to wanting to forget everything, because an injury like yours is actually not enough to give you an amnesia," he gazed at me softly. "Don't force yourself to remember everything all at once. Instead, take it easy, one memory at a time, and give yourself some time to breathe."

I nodded again.

He left the room and I headed to bed. A feeling of grief accompanied me and I clutched the blanket close to my chest until I drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow is a new start.

To be continued...

A/N: Lol I was searching for some cute flower names for the MC but then they all sounded weird so I just gave up 😂😂😂

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Purple hyacinths ☝️

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