Chapter 10

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I was currently tracking down a fresh vampire scent when I crossed a weird smell. It smelled of blood and a woodsy scent. I followed it to a cabin. I nudge the door open with my nose. I follow the scent up the stairs and into a bedroom. I nudge open the door to see Emily Uley, Sam's wife. She was pregnant and all scratched up. She had scratches all up and down her body she was bleeding out slowly. I shift into my human form and walk towards her. "Emily what happened where is Sam?" I ask her. "He was killed by a mutant wolf. It walked on two legs instead of four. It looked like it was half man and half wolf. It killed everyone with me only barely managing to escape." She said in a weak voice. "Children of the moon why haven't I thought of that sooner." I muttered under my breath. She took a sharp intake of breath as her body clenched and then relaxed. I then realized she was having contractions. "Emily your baby is coming but if you are going to survive afterwards then I will need to change you." She shook her head. "I can't live without Sam. Take care of my babies and make sure they grow up happy." She tells me. I nod my head slowly. She takes another sharp intake of breath as her body clenches and relaxed. "Emily how long have you been having contractions?" I ask her. "The past 2 days I think." She tells me. She has been in labor by herself for two days. Slowly bleeding out I had to get the babies out fast before they died. "Do you mind if I do a C-section on you so your babies have more of a chance of survival?I have no tools so I would have to use my teeth." I ask she nods. I breathe in and hold my breath then start biting into her and ripping her stomach open so I could get to the babies faster. She screams in pain and her body twitches. I finally get to the babies and pull them out. They were twins a girl and a boy. I put them in her arms after I get them to breathe. She weekly smiles at them and kisses their foreheads. "Goodbye my children you will have a great life without me. I wish I could come with you but I won't make it." She says to them. I silently sat watching the interaction with tears in my eyes. "Goodbye Scarlet, goodbye Apollo." She says weekly. She turns to me and smiles. "Thank you Isabella I will miss you. Promise me you will take care of them." She tells me. "I promise." I tell her. She smiles and slowly closes her eyes. Her body slacks and her heartbeat stopped. Apollo and Scarlet started crying they were tiny compared to a normal newborn. I took them out of Emily's arms and cradled them close to my chest. They snuggled into me and stopped crying. I smiled and sat down. Tears were running down my face as I thought of my friends dead. I would get revenge for Emily and Sam. I would keep my promise and raise Scarlet and Apollo as my own. They were small enough for me to fake my pregnancy and in 9 moths they would be the perfect size of a newborn. They smelled like a normal human but they would until they transformed. I got up and searched the house for a bathroom to clean the twins. I find one then go to a small closet inside to find some wash clothes. I placed them both in the sink and turned on the warm water. I held there heads so the wouldn't drown. I rubbed the blood off them gently with the wash cloth. I finished then tuned of the water and dried them with a soft fluffy towel. I sniffed around the house still carrying the babies. I find a room I can only assume was a nursery. I lay them down on a small baby changing station. I look around the drawers and find some baby changing things. I put some baby powder on the twins then put a diaper on both of them. I sift in the drawers to find some clothes that would be way to big for them. I look around some more to find a couple of baby blankets. I wrap Apollo in a baby blue blanket then Scarlet into a soft pink blanket. I look around the room to find something to carry them in. I find a small white sheet but nothing else. "Well I guess I'll just have to look like a stork then." I say to myself. I walk back over to Scarlet and Apollo and gently lay them in the sheet. I wrap it around them and tie it in a loose knot. I shift into my wolf and gently and slowly lift up the sheet. I walk down the stairs and gently set them on the couch then I walk up stairs and wrap Emily in a blanket. I walk outside then dig a 8 foot deep hole. I slowly lay Emily down at the bottom then crawl out. I fill the hole back up then make a makeshift cross and put it at the head of her grave. I place a apple seed in the dirt that covered her grave. I dusted myself back off then went back into the house. I heard the twins sleeping in their sheet. I shifted into my wolf and picked up the sheet gently. I then slowly started walking back towards my home. I was walking through a small clearing when I heard a growl. I turn towards the growl to see a vampire with black eyes staring at the sheet I carried. I growled at him telling him to back off but he did listen. "I need help. There's a hungry vampire here and I can't exactly fight him off." I say through the pack bond. "We're on our way mom try to distract him till we get there." Bree says through the pack bond. "Ok but hurry." I tell her. I growl at the vampire again but he growls back. His growl was much louder than mine causing the twins to wake up and start crying. The vampire shifts his gaze to the sheet again and I see his eyes grow darker. I slowly and gently set the twins down then stand protectively above them growling at the vampire. He starts to slowly circle me and I watch him with my eyes. I recognize him from the crowning. His name was Max he was a human drinking nomad. He continues to circle me getting closer each circle. I crouch down lower towards the twins ready to spring if he got to close. He tried grabbing the sheet so I snapped at him. He jumped back and continued to circle me. Every once in a while he would reach towards the sheen causing me to snap at him. I heard my pack running towards us but Max didn't seem to notice. He kept circling us with the twins still crying. Bree burst through the trees first. She ran towards me and ran into Max pushing him away from me. She tries walking closer to me but I just growl a warning at her she smelled like Seth and I didn't want her ne'er the twins. She looked confused but kept her distance. Max tried grabbing the sheet again but I snapped at him snarling. Jacob and the rest of the pack burst through the trees. They surrounded us and Quil and Embry lunged at Max. They ripped him apart then transformed into there human forms and set them on fire. The twins stopped crying when the growling stopped. Jacob tried to get closer to me but I growled and snapped at him he jumped back. "What's wrong with her?" He asked Bree. "I have no idea she did the same with me." She replied. Leah slowly approached me. I smelled her and there was no trace of a male scent on her. I let her come near me. She slowly belly crawled over to me. I let her smell the twins' sheet. She gently nudged it causing Apollo to scream. I snarled at Leah and grabbed her scruff and threw her back. She whimpered when she hit the ground. Bree's eyes went wide with realization. She slowly backed up in a submissive position and flipped over on her back to show her stomach. Everyone was watching her with a confused expression. "Back away from her. She's protecting those babies and defending them from all males. They must be weaker that's why she threw Leah away from them." She said. The wolves nodded and did the same thing all except for Jacob who was still trying to get closer to me. I snarled at him snapping at the air between us. "Jacob just submit she's just protecting them she will kill you if you get to close." Bree said warningly. He shakes his head and gets closer. I bite his fur and throw him away from us. He flies back and lands on the ground a couple feet further than he just was. I snarled at him then checked to make sure I didn't hurt Scarlet or Apollo. Luckily I didn't. I looked back up to see Jacob submitted. I relax my stance and lie down and wrapped myself around Scarlet and Apollo who snuggled closer to me. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Bree was slowly getting up. So was the rest of the pack but they made no attempt to get closer to us. I purred to Scarlet and Apollo witch seemed to calm them down. "Alice, Victoria we need your help mom won't let us near her." She says through our bond. "What happened is she hurt?" I hear Alice say. I whine at the sound of her voice wanting her to help me protect my babies. "She's not hurt she's just protecting something." She tells her. "We are on our way just stay away from her please." Victoria tells her. "Yes moms." Bree tells them. She must be stressed because that's the only time she calls Vicky and Ali her moms. "What do we do?" Jacob asks her. "Stay away from her but protect her." She replies. He nods. My stomach starts to growl but I ignore it. Leah looks at me then take off running. She comes back with a dead rabbit in her mouth. She slowly approaches me and places the rabbit in front of me then backs up. I smell the rabbit then start to eat it. When it's done I look up to see the pack watching me carefully still I'm a circle. I hear footfalls in the forest running towards us. I get up and crouch over Scarlet and Apollo snarling. Victoria and Alice burst through the trees. I relax a little then tense back up when I see Carlisle come out of the forest after them. They start to walk slowly towards me. The wolves part as the walks towards me. I smell the air Victoria smelled like the mixture of mud and Jasper's scent. They must have been wrestling. Ali smelled like Emmet and hair dye. I wonder what that was about. They come closer and a mixture of a growl and a whine come out of me. I don't want to attack my mate but they smelled like a male. They reach out towards me and I snap at them then let out a pain-filled whine. Carlisle probably thinking I was in pain reached towards me. Bad mistake I heard Bree yell at him to get away from me but it was to late. I grabbed a hold of his arm and threw him into a tree. Seth ran over to him to make sure he was okay he of course was. His eyes were wide ass he stared at me. Victoria reaches toward me but I let out another whine-growl. "Moms get away from her you smell like Emmet and Jasper and she doesn't want you near those babies. As if on cue Scarlet and Apollo start to cry again. I swiftly but gently wrap myself around them. I bite the knot in the and it comes undone. I make a small nest around Apollo and Scarlet and gently lick them gently calming them down. They stop crying and I look up to see Alice and Victoria looking at me with hurt expressions. I let out another pain filled whine. I didn't want to make my mates feel like this but my instincts tell me to protect my babies. "There's a river not far from here maybe if you wash of there scents then she will let you near her." Bree tells them. They nod and blur towards the river with Bree following. I look over to see Carlisle on the phone with someone. He hangs up and looks up at me. Victoria, Alice and Bree come back to the clearing soaking wet. They walk towards me slowly a sniff the air and they don't smell like Jasper or Emmet anymore. The walk towards me slowly. They get over to me and I lick there cheeks. They giggle then look down at Scarlet and Apollo. "Where did these two cuties come from Bella?" Ali asks me. "I was chasing a vampire scent when I came across a weird scent. I followed it to a cabin and found Emily Uley inside. She was dying and pregnant she gave birth to the babies and died. She made me promise to take care of them. I agreed since they had no family. Sam, his pack, and all the imprints were killed by a child of the moon Emily was the only one two survive. She named them Apollo and Scarlet before she died." I tell them through our bond. I hear Bree whine and Alice and Victoria had venom tears in there eyes. I was crying by the time I was done. Bree came over to me and cuddles against me in her tiger form. I was shaking and crying. "What's wrong with her?"  Jacob asked Bree. Bree told him what happened. All of the wolves were whining when she finished Leah started crying and came over to me and snuggled against me too. Ali and Victoria were cooing at me trying to stop my crying. I heard some more footfalls in the forest. I threw my physical shield around us and continued to cry. Emmet burst throw the trees with pink hair dye in his hair. Then behind him Rosalie followed carrying Angel. Then Esme,Tanya, and Jasper burst into the clearing. Rosalie slowly starts to walk towards me. I smell the air and notice she didn't smell like a male. I threw my physical shield around her and Angel. Tanya and Jasper try coming towards me but hit my physical shield them fall to their knees in pain. My physical shield had a electrical current running through it so it electrocuted anyone who touched it. Carlisle and Esme rushed over to them to see if they were alright. Emmet stayed back knowing the effect of my shield. He learned that the hard way when he tried to sneak attack me. Esme accidentally touches my shield and screams out in pain. Emmet grabs her and pulls her back. Jasper and Tanya recover and back up. Rosalie sets down Angel then backs up out of my shield. Emmet wraps her in his arms. Angel slowly approached me. She looked at the twins then back at me. She trotted over and gently curled around them and started to purr. Leah whines again and I turn to her and lick her cheek. She cuddles against me and my mothering instincts kick in and I start to purr and lick the mud off of her. She looks at Apollo who is looking up at her with his big blue eyes. I notice that Leah stops whining and she starts to purr. I notice that her eyes were filled with love as she looked at him. Leah imprinted on him. I knew that and I still excepted her she would be like my daughter. I look up and notice Quil had the same look on his face as Leah as he looked at Scarlet. He imprinted on her. I extended my shield around him. "It's okay Quil you can come closer." I tell him through the pack bond. He slowly approaches us and lays down in front of us. I lick his cheek and he purrs. Now everyone in the Swan family had a mate seeing as Embry imprinted on Angel and she imprinted on him. I extended my shield around Embry and he joins our little huddle. We were now a huddle of purring supernaturals. Things just got interesting.

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